Break-up but best mates

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--------------Jeremy’s POV----------------

As i walked back to my hotel room, i couldn’t help thinking what i could do to show Natalie how sorry i was, she was the dream girl she was like me but girl version and no piercings but that didn’t bother me. “If only i had some way to show her that it meant nothing and that i wants to be with her” suddenly Natalie was all i could think about.

“How about you buy her some flowers and chocolate, girls love things like that”

“ did i say that out loud, I’m sorry i didn’t mean to but thanks for the idea” it made me think was she that kind of girl though, cause in my eyes she didn’t need flowers or chocolate to make her realise she was pretty all she should do is look in the mirror. Then it hit me i was gunna make her realise she’s an angel on earth, i was going to show her today.

-----------Natalie’s POV------------

Why I let it affect me this much, what I expected he’s a singer he could have whatever girl he wanted when he wanted them as well i was stupid to think different. I couldn’t stand it knowing he had a girl in the same bed as him. I went to reception to speak with my boss about going home.

“course you can go home, it’s understandable if your ill” ok so i told a little lie but if I’m honest seeing Jeremy with another girl did make me feel a little sick. I knew i wouldn’t be able to go home as id get into a fight about how I’m not out making the money which my step mum needs, it’s like i don’t earn that much and whatever i get i have to give to her so she can get whatever she wants. Anyway i knew i couldn’t go home and the cafe wasn’t open for another 20minutes so i went where my mum would take me for some mother-daughter time, my favourite place in the town. The park. Yes i know it sounds childish but just sitting on the bench staring at the different toys in the park just made me wish that i hadn’t found out about the cheating. I pulled my phone out to see a text from my amazing boyfriend Sam, hardly anyone knew about us obviously fern knew, i could tell her everything. So let me tell you about Sam, well where do i start he’s from Miami, cute, adorable and he’s my second love, he knows that my first love has always been Jeremy, he may not be perfect but i know he is always going to be there for me no matter what happens. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend and best mate.

Sam: You know what? I never, ever planned to like you this much and i never thought you’d be on my mind this often. Came as a total surprise but I’m loving it! You’re the reason for my smile; words can’t explain what a wonderful person you are. You make my heart melt. My life has never been the same since i met you. I love you, forever and always. I’m so honoured to be your boyfriend, i wish i could wake up next to you every morning i have the perfect life now that you’re a part of it. I love you Natalie all i need is you. One day soon i hope to make you my wife.

I didn’t know how to reply to him, i know it’s bad and that but i was thinking of breaking up with him. I met him on the 16th September 2014 and we have been together since, yeah we have our fights and arguments and say we don’t love each other but 5minutes later we have sorted everything out so now its the 18th January 2015 so it’s been 5 months and i can’t do it anymore, i needed to see him. I was about to call him to see if he could come to the park to talk when i heard him call out,

“Get my long as text yet?” i smiled just because i knew that everything would be ok now and i can tell him about Jeremy. “ i went to the hotel and your boss said you went home ill but i knew you won’t go home, what’s up?” i guess it was time to tell him everything, like starting from when i met Jeremy.

“imetjeremy13th” i mumbled hoping he wouldn’t understand what i had said, but sadly he did.

“And what’s so bad about that?”

“basically it was last night when you couldn’t get to the show, so i filled in for you, i sung all snow white’s poison bite songs and Jeremy was there as well and well i kind of realised that i love him” i felt the tear build up in my eyes, i tried so hard to keep them down but i couldn’t “he said that i sung the songs better than him and i was stupid enough to think he actually liked me and work today i was cleaning his room when he woke p with another girl and i felt my heart sink, I’m sorry Sam, i can’t be with you cause i know I’m going to fight for Jeremy” i sat there just looking at the floor when i felt an arm land on my shoulder, oh great this is where he’s gunna tell me he hates me.

“its fine don’t forget we were mates for that one day before we got together and i am not, i repeat am not losing you as a mate” i hugged Sam, i couldn’t believe he was ok with it all, if i was in his position i would be fuming. he was loosing the  love of his life but gained a mate

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