Practicing for the show

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i was out the back just taking a break from practicing when i had a thought, i needed to change every song i was going to preform, i couldnt do the songs i wanted to as they reminded me of my brothers and my mum. So i pulled out my blackberry cure 9320 out the back pocket of my black skinny jeans and started shuffling through my music thinking of what songs i could perform. I was pulled out of my music world when a hand pulled my headphones out, i turned around about to knock the person out like who did they think they were taking my headphones out. but as i spun around, my hand clenched ready to punch whoever was behind me. as i swung my arm round i felt a hand grip onto it

"woah hold on there little miss" the person standing behind me had black dyed hair, thick eye liner around his eyes, a lip ring on the left side on his lip. he was wearing the same jeans as me which i found a little strange and a "kill jeremy 13th" top.

"sorry but everyone in this whole cafe knows that you NEVER take my headphones out without a valid reason" this guy had just pissed me off big time and i had only just met him, he must have a record for doing that to girls like me.

" well i do have a valid reason which i cant tell you at this moment in time..." this guy just began to blush and he became all shy. ive never known a guy to get shy around me.

"NATALIE WHERE ARE YOU?, I KNOW YOU IN THIS CAFE SOMEWHERE YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME!!!" oh great, this is just fantstic, i meet a really cute guy and just as im about to get into a good conversation with him, my bitch of a step mum comes in shouting like fuck after me.

"im guessing shes looking for you, well i best let you go, im jeremy by the way" and with that he was gone. but he left the biggest impact on me, i put my headphones back in and tried to block everything out more importantly tried to block my step mum out. i shuffled through loads of songs till i got to one song that meant everything to me, a song which is the reason i stopped cutting my arm open basically everyday, it was ~The Dreadful Lullaby by Snow White's Poison Bite. i listened to the lyrics taking in everything that was sung by Jeremy.

Don't cry you're safe tonight

'cause i'll be by your side in the moonlight

Don't cry you're safe tonight

with all these shooting stars in your eyesight
well sleep tight 
i'll tuck you in to dream all night
tomorrow mornings light 
will shine so bright
because its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
don't cry you're safe tonight
the nightmares give you thoughts of the sad life
don't cry you're safe tonight 
you're just scared of the dream, thats not real life
sleep tight
i'll tuck you in to dream all night
tomorrow mornings light
will shine so bright
because its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
wake up happy and smile at the sunshine
fly through the clouds and after the blue sky
angel wings can take you so high
wake up happy and smile at the sunshine
fly through the clouds and after the blue sky
angel wings can take you so (high)
its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
its not the end of a tender romance
it's just the end of a lonely girl
it's just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby
its just no smiles sweet heart don't cry
it's your song your dreadful lullaby

then i knew exactly what songs i was going to perform tonight, i was going to dedicate the whole performance to Snow White's Poison Bite, then it hit me, the guy i swung for was Jeremy the Jeremy like Allen Jeremy 13th Cotterill, and i was a right bitch to him.


sooooo i hope you liked this chapter,




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