Expressing feelings

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---------------Jeremy POV-------------------

“you can do this” i kept repeating it over and over trying to convince myself that everything is going to work out how i want it to, but for some reason my body wasn’t believing what i was saying. As i walked down the path towards the park, i could hear giggling, it was Natalie’s giggle i know that sounds weird but i know what it sounds like as i have subscribed to her you tube channel and her vine account, make me seem like a stalker i know. I walked round the corner and my heart broke well it kind of shattered, the girl i was falling in love with had a boyfriend, well of course she would she’s beautiful. I missed my chance and i had to live with that for a long time, i looked over at her for the last time to see her hugging him, i hurt too much to stick around. I turned around and started to walk away.

“JEREMY WAIT, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU” like i was going to wait for her she should be spending time with her boyfriend.

“CANT GOT TO BE SOMEWHERE” i couldn’t stand talking to her i just needed to go and spend time alone with no one around, no matter how much i just wanted to turn around and say to her that i love her i knew this would be less painful.

------------------ Natalie’s POV------------------

I saw Jeremy walking away; i needed to talk to him to tell him exactly how i felt and what was on my mind.

“JEREMY WAIT, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU” I hoped he would turn around and see me but you should never trust hopes.

“CANT GOT TO BE SOMEWHERE” how he could say that, i didn’t know what to do so i did the best thing and went home. As i got home no one spoke to me like usual so i just walked up the stair and into my room, set up my laptop and did what i was best at, singing. The first song that came into my head was ill always remember you by Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana. I logged onto you tube set my camera and did a video.

----- The video---------

“hey guys, well I’ve had the weirdest few days and today i may have lost my boyfriend but i gained  a mate and well i met this guy who i never thought would even look at me if he saw me at one of his concerts, you guys  properly know him as Jeremy 13th , lead singer in Snow White’s Poison Bite but i know him as Allan Cotterill and i know that he has to go on tour soon so i just wanna say that i love him and this song is for you.

I always knew this day would come; we’d be standing one by one,

With our future in our hands, so many dreams so many plans,

Always knew after all these years there’d be laughter there’d be tears,

But never thought I’d walk away with so much joy but so much pain and it’s so hard to say goodbye,

But yesterdays gone we got to keep moving on I’m so thankful for the moments so glad i got to know ya,

The times that we had ill keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever I’ll always remember you,

Another chapter in the book, can’t go back but you can look and there we are on every page,

Memories ill always save up ahead on the open doors who knows what we’re heading towards?

i wish you love i wish you love for you the world just opens up but it’s so hard to say goodbye,

Yesterdays gone we got to keep moving on im so thankful for the moments so glad i got to know you,

The times that we had ill keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever,

I’ll always remember you,

Every day that we had all the good all the bad, I’ll keep them here inside,

All the times that we shared everyplace everywhere you touched my life,

yeah one day we’ll look back, we’ll smile and we’ll laugh but right now we just cry cause it’s so hard to say goodbye,

Yesterdays gone we got to keep moving on, I’m so thankful for the moments

so glad i got to know ya the times that we had ill keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever,

I’ll always remember you.

Well that’s it for now guys, thanks

------- End of video-----------

After i finished recording the video, i hovered the mouse over the “upload” button, part of me was screaming telling me not to do it but it’s the only way i get my emotions out so i know i had to do this. For my sake no one else’s.

The End Of Prom Night (Jeremy 13th Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now