A Baby at work

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Lilith woke up it was still dark outside and Lilith got up and looked to see Liza and King sleeping in their crib and Lilith picked up Liza and Liza woke up and did a stretch and smile when she saw Lilith and she turned around and do the grabby hands to her crib singling that she wanted to go back to sleep but Lilith said " sorry Lizzie but you can sleep on the way there" and Lilith got Liza dress in the baby version of the hexside janitor uniform and Lilith took a picture of Liza and quietly went " awww" and Lilith picked up Liza which she started to play with the hat of the uniform and Lilith find it cute and took her to the kitchen and put her in a high chair and fed Liza some baby food and after that Lilith made herself breakfast and Liza giggle loudly and stuff in the kitchen float and dropped making a loud clash.

Eda got up when she hear something drop and was gonna get out of bed but Camilia has her arms wrapped around her waist while saying " no I want cuddles" and wasn't let Eda go so she decided to go back to sleep and maybe Luz knock over a lamp so she laid down and went back to sleep and Lilith grabbed her janitor uniform and put Liza in a baby harness on her chest and they exited the house and it was still pitch black outside but thankfully Lilith had a flashlight which Luz gave her and Lilith got in her staff and Liza started to fall back to sleep and Lilith put the flashlight in front of her staff and rode off she can barely see anything so she was riding around carefully until she almost ran into a tree she dodged it until she heard Liza that had woken up Liza.

So she landed and grab Liza out of the baby harness and started to try to put her back to sleep until she heard something walk in the forest around her and she look at the direction and heard growling and then she point the flashlight and saw a wolf and Lilith gasp and nearly dropped the flashlight and the wolf stood there growling but looked like it showed sympathy and it walked off and Lilith did note that the fur looks like Luz's hoodie but she brushed it off and Liza fell back asleep and they continued their way to Hexside.

When they got there the sun was just rising and they saw Principal Bump near the front door so they landed and Lilith went up and greeted Principal Bump and he was suprise that Lilith has a child and He ask about her and then Liza wakes up and Principal Bump said " hi Liza" and pinch her cheeks and Liza smiled and then she sneezed and the fronts doors open and they they were both confused and Liza got happy, giggle and clapped her hands which made a tree behind them float they looked and were even more confused and Liza stopped laughing which made the tree falls own on its die which made both Principal Bump and Lilith flinched and Liza said " mommy out" signaling she wanted out of the baby harness and they all head inside.

Lilith got into the changing room and got Liza out of her harness and place her looking away form Lilith and Liza started to play with her hat and Lilith was running her fingers on Liza's back which made Liza giggle and clap her hands and when she giggled Lilith's hat floated and when Liza stopped it drop so Lilith was done and Liza turned around and Lilith put her hat on and turned to see Liza who did the grabby hands and said " up up" and Lilith picked Liza up and put her back in her baby harness and they got to work .

After a little bit of working Lilith and Liza saw the rest of the students enter and they saw Liza and they went " awww" and they began to take pictures and selfies with Liza and Liza was loving it and giggle loudly which caused a trash can to float and they were amazed so was Lilith and after everyone got to class Lilith continue working and she looked up to see Luz and Amity on the roof and looks like they were hugging but they were demonstrating what a curse can do so Lilith continue working then Liza grabbed the mop which made Lilith chuckles and let go of the mop then Liza try to mop but got water everywhere and Lilith grabbed the mop out of her hands and Liza look at her with dad eyes and Lilith booped her nose and Liza smile and clapped her hands and Lilith smiled so they continued working.

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