??? - Scorpion

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Name: Jordan K. Sidis
Age: 12
IQ: 245
Gender: Female
Crush: Ralph

 SidisAge: 12IQ: 245Gender: FemaleCrush: RalphPhotos:

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Extra Facts:

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Extra Facts:

-Great, great, great, granddaughter of William James Sidis (Who had an unknown IQ of 250-300)

-Hides intelligence from others, but is still thought of as a nerd

-Has Heterochromia

-Has shy/ antisocial tendencies

-Awesome at any game/ sport/ moving object

-Speaks almost all languages

-Interns at a library that her grandfather, her only living relative, works at

-Her mother died during childbirth, and her father died when she was 4 doing unknown military service

-She was adopted by a close friend of her mothers because her grandpa is too old to take care of her

-She loves to pull pranks

How she meets the team

She is Ralph's best friend and they often hang out together, she met the team when she came to drop off books Ralph had put on hold at the library, something happens and Toby made a small comment on how it is obvious she likes him. Ralph brings her over to a table and explains what is happening. After observing for a bit, she and Ralph start a small discussion in a language they both made up together. They converse about the small mistakes made by the people around them. The language intrigues the team, but they ignore it for now. Eventually, they figure out she is smart just right Ralph and she ends up showing up in the show whenever he does.

During the episode that ralph is dealing with his crush, she acts all jealous but not enough for Ralph to notice.

Actress: Kennedi Clements

Actress: Kennedi Clements

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Prank List

-Hacked into the computer and added a program that gives an explosion sound every time someone says the word bomb

-Written comments about people on their foreheads

-Put slime buckets above doors

-Laid pressure-sensitive pads that freeze to your feet when you step on it

-Put hand zappers inside doorknobs

-Filled the freezer full of water with everything in it

-Waxed Everything

-Put strong rubber bands around doors

-Hacked phones to make all words autocorrect to 'nugget' but only after you click save or send

-Put baby powder/ itching powder on ceiling fans

-Hack phones to reverse volume settings randomly

-On the backs of all (Toby's) T-shirts write 'kick me' in sharpie and hide his jackets

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