Claude's action

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First Claude, at least early on and based on his characterization in the original "Lovely Princess" novel. Is he really a certified Jerkass for his actions in the original "Lovely Princess"? Is he really that cold-hearted to kill the original Athanasia even though she didn't do anything wrong at all and showed no remorse for what he did to his daughter? Is he playing too much Parental Favoritism to Jenette even though she isn't even his real daughter? (Though this can also be attributed to the fact that he is affected by Jenette's black magic). Or is he just a Broken Bird who has endured a lot of tragedy in his early childhood? With the betrayal of his First Love that he trusted so much, cheating with his own older brother and attempting to kill him, are his current actions still justifiable? Adding to that is the fact that Diana, his Second Love and considered One True Love, also died and took any emotions he had left with her death, is that enough to support him neglecting his only daughter?

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