Original Lovely Princess

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A whole layer of it that would explain and lead to what caused the original Athanasia's doom.

1. The first example is Claude's subtle kindness to our Athanasia and the dreams she gets of Diana, hinting that Claude neglected but still spared Athanasia to start with because he was grieving Diana's death and forced himself to forget everything about her. The same applies to the original novel "The Lovely Princess" as well, the only difference being that the original Athanasia arrived in Claude's life too late to bring his memories of Diana back.

2. Lucas talks of how the story of Aethernitas felt like sham and how his favorite character is the Black magician. Lucas is later revealed to be the one and only Black Magician of the tower. Oh, and his talk of wanting to eat Blackie, the holy beast made of Athanasia's mana? The final book in the webnovel contains a side story which reveals that he did just that to replenish his mana in the original universe, leaving the original Athanasia incapable of performing magic.

3. Lucas called Jennette a "Chimera". This is a hint to Jennette's true origin as a child created with black magic and how she is actually Claude's niece instead of being his true daughter.

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