Chapter One

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Anyone who claims Draco Malfoy isn't the most attractive boy in our year had to be mad. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he was quite the sight. But not to me. He had made it his personal goal to make my life a living hell the past 6 years. He constantly tormented me by teasing me and embarrassing me every chance he could get. Precisely why I didn't like him. But as the years passed, his teasing changed as I changed. I grew up, and everyone noticed. My black shiny and full hair reached down to the middle of my back in waves. My bright green eyes that always seemed to hold mischief in them were surrounded by thick long dark lashes. My skin was sunkissed, smooth and soft with light freckles across my nose. My lips had always been full and pink, but when I was younger they seemed too big for my face. Now, I had grown into them and I looked proportionate. I was also no longer shaped like a stick. My body developed curves that most girls wished for themselves. I was proud of my hourglass figure.

"Come along Lydia, darling. The train is leaving soon. You mustn't be late." My beautiful mother spoke softly to me.

My parents and I had just passed through the brick barrier onto the platform. I adjusted my black pleated mini skirt that had a small slit in the side and made sure my emerald green long sleeve fitted shirt was tucked in. I double checked to make sure my wand was in one of my thigh high suede boots.

"We love you Lydia, please be safe and be smart. Do well in your classes and don't get into any trouble dear." My father said sternly.

I nodded my head and gave them both hugs and kisses on the cheek as a goodbye.

"I love you both, I promise I'll owl you when I get the chance!" I said smiley softly. They both smiled in response.

I turn away and load my trunk onto the train before entering. As I passed each compartment looking for my friends, I felt stares. I was used to this by now and quite honestly I liked the attention. Boys were always watching me ever since I grew into my body. The thought made me smirk. I finally came across the compartment my friends were in and entered with the biggest grin on my face.

"Lydia! Oh how we've missed you!" Daphne squealed out in delight as she embraced me tightly. Her younger sister Aurora stood and gave me a big hug as well.

"There she is, I was wondering if you got lost." Blaise said with teasing smile as he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I've missed you all so much! Please, tell me how your summers went!" I said excitedly as we all sat down.

"Ughh, don't even get me started. I can't believe your parents didn't let you stay with us! Our mum dragged us around to all of those charity balls all summer. Quite boring." Daphne grumbled.

"I know, I'm sorry I couldn't visit. But I had the best time with my parents this summer! We visited Greece and Italy and we even stayed at the private island they just bought. It was so beautiful." I gushed

My parents and I were part of the wealthy pure blood community, as were Daphne, Astoria and Blaise. Our parents had high expectations for us and we attended many balls and events hosted by other pureblood families.

"That sounds lovely, I guess we can't be too angry with Liliana and Mason for keeping you then." Astoria says smiling.

"What about you Blaise? How was your summer?" I asked him.

"Oh my summer was excellent! Mother and I traveled around Europe. I got to know many girls." He said with a smirk.

"Oh and by getting to know them, you mean got inside them?" Daphne said disgusted.

We all laughed at this and gave each other a knowing look. We all knew it was true. Blaise was a ladies man.

"Precisely what I meant" he says proudly.

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