Chapter Three

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As soon as the bell rang, I gathered my things quickly and rushed out of the room. I couldn't bear being next to him for one more second or I'd explode. I couldn't think clearly around him. My attraction to him was clouding my judgement and I couldn't keep letting it happen.

I go down an empty corridor quickly to be alone and gather my thoughts. I reach a large window with a ledge and place my things down on the ground before pressing my back against the wall heaving a heavy sigh. I get my breathing back to normal and just stand there.

I still couldn't believe it happened. I can't trust myself around him anymore. I clearly don't have the willpower to deny him, so I would just have to avoid him. What happened to the young boy who wanted nothing but to embarrass and tease me? This man was different now. When he saw my reaction to what I smelled in the amortentia, he seemed genuinely happy at first. But then he went right back to his cocky self. And he took advantage of my weakness.

But fuck, I wanted him to do it again. And again. And again.

I remembered the feeling of his thumb on my bottom lip and brushed my own thumb over it. I smiled in rememberance.

I got myself together remembering I need to go to my next class before I was late. Transfiguration. I had that with Daphne. Do I tell her? Or do I keep it to myself?

I'll keep it to myself. For now. Maybe by the end of the day when we're back in our room, I'll tell her.

I grab my things and rush off to my next class completely oblivious to the blonde haired boy who'd just been watching me curiously with a small smile from a distance.

I head to my last class of the day, rushing because I knew I'd be late. I wasn't too worried since Professor Trelawney was kind and a bit of a nutter. Divination was the easiest and dumbest class. I'd be able to relax, honestly.

When I walk in, I notice it's mostly Ravenclaw students. Actually, it was all Ravenclaw. My eyes scan the room for a seat when they find one. My eyes widen slightly when I realized I'm not the only Slytherin in the class. I hesitate to walk over to the seat, looking once more around the room to see if there's any other spot.

"Miss Levine, please take your seat. There's one available next to Mr. Malfoy." Trelawny says quickly.

I blush furiously when he looks up at the mention of my name and chuckles at my reaction. I slowly walk over to his table at the back of the class again. Great.

I take a seat next to him, eyeing him warily. He looks at me amused with a twinkle in his eye.

"Alright Levine?" He questions knowingly. I roll my eyes at this.

"Just fine, Malfoy." I grumble.

"Yeah after our last encounter, you definitely are fine." He says cheekily. I use my book to smack his arm quickly and he erupts with laughter.

"Shut it Malfoy" I hiss at him.

"Oooh fiesty are we? With an attitude like that, I think you need to be taught a lesson Levine." he says with a wink.

I glare hard at him.

"Hey, I know you enjoyed yourself. And I did too. It's not such a bad thing" he says teasingly

"It's a terrible thing Malfoy! Anyone else and it'd be okay! But it's you. The boy who has tormented me and made my life hell the past 6 years! Find someone else to be your play thing. Don't mess with my feelings." I growl out angrily.

I turn away but not before I see the look of surprise on his face. The rest of the class is spent with silence between us and Trelawny boring on. I guess my words got through to Draco because he didn't bug me again.

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