Chapter Four

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The first week of school passed by quickly and, of course, all the 6th years were slammed with homework. I barely had any time to see Draco, and when I did see him it was either in class or in the library when we did homework together. There were days where I had extra free time after finishing my homework and would go to look for him but he'd have disappeared somewhere. I didn't ask where he was when I would find him. We were still getting to know each other and I didn't want to be clingy to him. Everything was casual and new between us.

It was finally the weekend and I was glad to have a couple of days with no classes and extra time with Draco. I woke up and took a shower with my normal routine and dried my hair with a spell. I curled it lightly before adding my regular makeup and getting dressed. It was chilly outside so I chose to wear a black knit figure hugging long sleeve turtleneck shirt and a burgundy tight mini skirt with a small slit up one side. I finished the outfit off with my usual thigh high black suede boots to keep my legs warm. I wore my usual rings and my diamond bracelet my parents got me for my birthday last year.

Daphne and I made our way down to the Great Hall and decided to sit with Blaise and Draco. I took the seat next to Draco and he immediately kissed my cheek softly and wrapped his arm around my waist. I was a little caught off guard by his actions since he hadn't shown me any affection in public before.

"Good morning, you look beautiful love" he whispers in my ear. I smile softly at his sweet words.

"Good morning to you too" I whisper back grinning.

I start to pile food on my plate and dig in as did Draco.

"So are you two a thing now? Because I'm confused. I thought you hated each other..." Blaise says cluelessly.

Daphne smacks his arm and tells him to shut up while me and Draco laugh at them.

"We're getting to know each other better, and we realized we don't hate each other at all." Draco answered him while looking down at me affectionately. My cheeks tinted pink and I nodded in agreement.

"Well good! I was tired of having to figure out who I'd sit with at meals. It was like having separated parents!" Blaise complains. I laugh out loud at his comparison.

"Oh poor Blaise has too many friends and can't decide who to sit with." I mock him sadly and throw a grape at his face. Draco and Daphne burst out laughing while Blaise glares at me.

"Boys! It's the first quidditch match of the season tomorrow! Are you ready to pummel Gryffindor?" Daphne says excitedly.

I suddenly get giddy. I love quidditch! I'd be on the team if my parents let me, but they say it's no place for a lady. Bullshit if you ask me.

"Those Gryffinwhores don't stand a chance against us." Blaise says smugly. I laugh at the name he made up on the spot, thinking he's one to talk.

"I'd barely call it a game quite honestly. We'll win easily. Flint made sure we have the best lineup this year since it's his last year here." Draco says confidently.

"Also, this time I'll have my good luck charm there rooting for me." He adds in cheekily while grinning at me.

I laugh and agree with him.

"I just wish I could play with you guys." I admit defeated.

They all know how much I love quidditch, but they also know the reason for why I can't play.

"I wouldn't play quidditch even if you paid me." Daphne says carelessly. "Too many injuries, I'd get my face messed up" she adds disgusted.

"Yeah, you would. But that's because you're not good at it." I snicker at her as she flips me off and the guys chuckle.

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