Chapter 1- Dragonfly wings

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"What's beef jerky doing in my shoe?" Roxas, captain of the Polo team turned his sneaker upside down as he attempted to flail the half-eaten strips of meat out of his white and black checkered shoe. Once the beef jerky fell upon the red velvet plush like carpet, his lips turned upside down and his cheeky roommate Sora peeked over his shoulder.

"Heh, my bad Roxas!" Sora's happy-go-lucky attitude mixed with Roxas' blunt, short tempered demeanor. He cares for his roommate and would not dare harm him, but they were nothing alike. Roxas did have a twin brother however, Ventus. Ven is roommates with Terra across the hall of the boys' dorms. Ventus was similar in looks with his brother, but Ventus had a much more calm, but often worried attitude.

"How can you stand to eat those Sora?" Roxas grabbed his checkered bands which he wears around his wrist. "Do you know what they're made of?"

Sora shook his head as he began to munch on a newly opened bag of Jerky. "I'm pretty sure it's made of bacon!"

"No Sora. It's made up of so many different strips of meat singed together. There's too much sodium-

By this time, Sora was already focusing his one track mind on something else. Those beady blue eyes trained on his class schedule. "Hey Rox..." Sora uttered his friend's name.

"And that's why an abundance of Beef Jerky can cause harm to your body. Now what Sora?" Roxas stared himself in the mirror, trying to figure out if there was anything else missing from his outfit.

Every student was meant to where the Destiny Prep uniform. A navy polo collared shirt, and khaki skirt, shorts or pants with the crown crest in the corner of the shirt. However, students are encouraged to trick or customize their uniform to fit their own personal aesthetic. Adding patches, embroidery, pins or whatever else that defines them as a person is very much allowed at Destiny Prep. The boarding school for the most intelligent and prestigious minds of Daybreak Town. It is a 2-year academy which allows all students to engage in extra-curricular activity, and allows them the freedoms and abilities to become responsible and productive citizens.

"It's Junior of the most important years of our highschool career." Sora began, whenever Sora was serious about something, you could hear it in the tone of his voice. He adjusted the collar of his uniform shirt and looked over to his roommate who was staring directly at him.

"Do you think I'll make a difference this year? Every year it's the same stuff with me." He tapped his brown galoshes. "I wanna do things differently...the teachers here...expect me to improve academically. Sometimes, my good looks aren't the ticket to success." He joked about the last part but immediately returned to his serious mode.

Roxas shifted his weight to one side of his body and clicked his tongue. "Sora-
"For example; look at you and Riku...Riku's skipped Junior year and now he's a senior alongside Terra and Leon. You are number four in our class ranking for GPA and you're good at sports. You tackle all of your homework in one go and then you're off to Polo practice." Sora grabbed his backpack and walked towards the door, his spiky brown hair shimmering lightly past the window which shone a bright gleam of the morning sun of Daybreak time.

"Sora, don't compare yourself to me. Everyone's the end...we all succeed. Understand that you're special just like everyone else. Highschool is what you make of it, don't sell yourself short Sora. C'mon let's get going." Roxas patted his roommate's shoulder as they both exited their dorm room, the hallways of the student residency was luxurious but somehow still appeared homely.

The halls are adorned with bright sconces that decorate the walls beautifully. Neatly painted golden crowns cover the corners of the ceiling along with a chandelier centered in the middle. Each dorm room has a velvet red wooden door which is decorated to the student's likings.

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