Exodus 1- fortunes !

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Sora's fingers traced against the thin fabric of his pajama shirt. A tank-top with a black silk base and a white linen on the inside. His slightly toned, tan arms grew goosebumps as the window allowed the very cool breeze to enter the dorm room. Also illuminating the moonlight onto his skin and bouncing off from the long mirror which was hanging against his cream-colored wall.

While the breeze pushed along a few white Lilly petals through the window and into Sora's dorm room, he stared up from his smartphone and watched as the door swung open, revealing his roommate, Roxas.

Roxas, carrying a brown bag which contained takeout Chinese food, he rested the supplements onto his bed and grabbed a bottle of hand-sanitizer to disinfect his digits.

The room took on a rather chilling temperature, causing the brown haired youth to jump to his bare feet from his cozy bed.
"Who even opened this window?!" Sora whined as he quickly turned the latch of the window pane, closing it down as soon as he could.

"Forgot, you're an islander and you cannot stand a temperature under eighty degrees." Roxas smirked as he slipped his checkered bracelets off his wrists and dug into the brown bag of Chinese delights. Grabbing his chopsticks from his bedside table, he dug into his takeout box, scooping up delicious shrimp and Lo-mein with dried eggs.

"Very funny..." Sora pouted before grabbing a takeout box of his own. He sat back on his own bed which was across from Roxas', sitting criss-cross, he dug in before something within him clicked from earlier.

"Still not over that whole growing wings thing." Sora muttered while adding a bit of spicy sauce to his Lo-mein. Grabbing a water bottle from the case in which he kept under his bed, he tossed one to his roommate.
"And the now apparent fairy population at our school. It's kinda cool." Roxas added. "I knew Layla wasn't all there when I met her but who knew she was that off?" he licked the remainder of the soy sauce from his fingers before digging into his shrimp.

"Did you buy any fries?" Sora asked while wiping his lips with a napkin. Roxas deadpanned. "No, you didn't write that down on the list!" Roxas tossed Sora a few of the fortune cookies that he did have in the bag, those were always his favorite part of the meal. It would say something cheesy like WINNER, and that's exactly what he was.

Scrambling to open the fortune cookie, Sora gripped his front teeth on the wrapper, pulling apart the plastic. Freeing the cookie, he crunched upon it's surface a few times before revealing the paper fortune that he and Roxas loved to read aloud before finishing the rest of their dinner.

"What's yours say Rox?" Sora asked as he waited patiently for his friend to pull apart the cookie in a neat sort of fashion. Roxas skimmed his eyes over the text before raising his brows.

"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." Roxas stared up at Sora slowly before setting his fortune down onto the bedside table. "Uh...what do you think that means?"

"Beats me! Let's see what I've got..." Sora grinned and pulled his cookie apart. "You too must choose between light and darkness?" Sora scratched his head before tossing his fortune behind him.

"These fortunes are duds Roxas!" Falling back against his soft feathery pillow. Sora grumbled and eyed his fortune but was no longer a believer that they actually defined your fate and future.

"I dunno...I'm gonna hold onto mine for a bit." Roxas said, folding his up into a small square, he slipped it into a small crevice and turned away facing Sora as he reached to turn off the lamp.

Hell is empty...and all the devils are here.

KINGDOM HEARTS- Magia Caelum Where stories live. Discover now