Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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(Third Person)

“This new VR technology is going to test your ability to work together and your problem solving skills. This will be kind of like a video game in a way, only this time you can smell and feel things. You have three lives, if you lose all three then I will take you out of the VR simulation.”

“Wait, hold up! You said we have three lives and can lose them. Does that mean we feel pain?” The UN nodded at America’s question. “So this is like a video game? What’s the game’s rules?”

“There are two people who are trying to kill the others. The others have to finish their tasks before the two people kill them. They can vote off the two if they see them kill or go into a vent. Emergency meetings can be called if you see something suspicious. If you find a body, report it. Got it?” Everyone nodded but America raised his hand. “Yes America.”

“If we can feel pain, can we also feel pleasure?” France slapped the back of America’s head, causing him to burst out laughing. A few others chuckled at the question and France’s response.

“Now that that’s over, let’s get into some other rules. You will be in groups of two and cannot leave your buddy no matter what. I will read out your groups now.” The UN lifted a clipboard up and began listing off groups. Poland was with Germany, France with the UK, Japan and South Korea, Canada and Ukraine. Which left Russia and America in a group together.

“Now get your VR headsets on.” America walked over to a weird thing that looked like something you put babies in when they’re learning to walk. He stepped into the thing and put the headset on. It was dark at first but then something started to appear. It looked like an HQ of some sort.

America looked around and saw the others, they were in what looked like astronaut suits. Beside America, he saw a little astronaut. He smiled and picked it up as Russia walked up to him with a folder that had his name on it. America opened the folder and pulled out a paper. It was a list, probably the tasks they had to do. “So do we have a map?”

Russia nodded and handed him the paper. The American set down the little astronaut. America looked at his task list and saw that he had a task in the room they were at. He walked over to the board thing and saw something with diagnostics. He pressed the spacebar and the percentage started going down. “I have to go to Reactor, do you have to go there?”

“No, I have to go to Admin, Storage, Cafeteria, and then the Balcony.”

“Hmm I have to go to Admin and Cafeteria so maybe we can do Reactor first?” Russia nodded so America took his hand and began leading him down the hall. They walked past MedBay, into the Locker Room, and then Decontamination. America waited for the doors to open before stepping out of the room. He led Russia to the reactor.

America slides a switch up and walks back to the door of Decontamination, Russia following close behind. America leads the way to the cafeteria where they both empty garbage. Russia goes to Storage and comes back with a watering can. UK and France walk past them on their way to the Greenhouse when a loud buzzer sounds out.

Russia takes America’s hand and starts leading the way to where the noise came from. America let himself be dragged off to Admin where they saw Germany standing next to the body of Poland, who looked as if they were shot in the back. “Germany, what happened?!”

“I turned my back for one second to type in my ID code and he was dead. I didn’t see anyone enter near us so they could have taken a vent out or just ran away. Where was everyone?” Germany asked the countries around him. Ukraine, Canada, Japan, and SK were all in Reactor according to Canada.

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