1:23 PM

243 13 1

The silence that enveloped the two ultimates was suffocating.

The tension grew thick and cloudy, both boys seeming completely unsure of what to do in this situation for a whole minute. Kamukura eyes were wide and it was the most off guard Komaeda had ever seen the other boy. However they seemed to only widen further as Komaeda felt the choked gurgle clumsily slip past his lips. Fat tears were brimming his eyes before Kamukura could even move and both of them knew they were screwed when the first tear fell.

"Komaeda-kun..." Kamukura forced out in a airy breath but found no words. Instead he quickly backtracked and grabbed the blanket behind him. Turning his back, hiding his chest— hiding the damage, but it was too late. With the blanket securely and quickly tied around his shoulders he faintly whispered "it's not as bad as it looks..."

Komaeda was never going to get the image of blood stained bandages and freshly sewed stitches out of his head for years to come. Wait... fresh... The horrific realization ripples through his body sending him hunched over and trying not to gag.

Komaeda dizzily moved his head no but he couldn't argue past the hiccuping sobs escaping his throat against his will. Instead he reached forward with a surprising assertiveness and wrapped his arms tightly around Kamukura's waist. For once not worrying in the least if he got Kamukura more dirty as he roughly pulled the teenage boy to the floor. Kamukura stumbled before clumsily falling down stiff with shock into Komaedas lap.

"Komaeda-san? I said it was—" his arms tightened their hold around Kamukura, uncaring for the injuries, "and I told you it wasn't!" Kamukura shut up instantly. "All this time I went around bragging about how you're some kind of invincible god, worshipping the very ground you walked like some faithful follower, thinking I was completely blinded by your light." He wetly chuckled, but the sound was sad inside the completely silent room, the darkness seeming a lot more prominent now. "Yet I was just a blind idiot who couldn't wrap his mind around the fact you're just as human as me. It took seeing you fall to realize how high of a pedestal I placed you on." He could feel Kamukura stiffening beneath his touch, could feel every tremble wracking his body. The fact he knew he had hit a nerve pained him almost as much as it probably hurt the boy he was trying to comfort. "A lovestruck fool who used you, just like everyone else, right?" He whispered into the bloodied shoulder, apathetic for the wet liquid running down and beginning to smear his cheek a vivid pink.

"I..." Kamukura tried to speak but even to Komaeda he could hear as clear as day the way his voice wavered. He knew "it's my fault, of course it is, when is it not?" He pushed his face deeper into the boys shoulder in hopes it would muffle his gross and despairing cries— sadly, it did very little. "No, its not your fault" Kamukura finally breathed out as the tension from his body slowly lessened alongside it.

Oh, he had said that outloud, hadn't he?

Turning around in Komaedas hold he carefully grabbed the boys face, thumb swiping away a tear with the smallest sliver of distress, "You're not the one who planned this." The way Kamukura had chosen to word that felt oddly deliberate and it almost immediately pulled forward his earlier nagging thoughts of Enoshima, did he...? His face was blank as he stared deep into those knowing eyes, looking for an answer he wanted to reject, "you knew all along, didn't you?" Despite the fact Kamukura's expression never changed nor did his body language give away even a hint Komaeda knew he had been caught red handed.

However, despite his guilty charges, Kamukura still held Komaeda as gently as he did that morning "I did, and its also why I know it's not all your fault. Some of what you said is true" he seemed to struggle with the words, his emotionless face greatly contrasting his deep seeded words, "but it's also irrational to claim all of Enoshima-kuns actions as your own." Komaeda did not hesitate to argue "b-but the letters! The smoothie! I willingly chose to do those things, doesn't that make me just as awful as Enoshima-kun? If not worse?" Kamukura shook his head slowly as his hands moved from Komaedas face to gently grasp his shaking clenched fists, thumbs running soothing circles into the knuckles, "Junko Enoshima is the ultimate analyst, she simply played to your character faults, and she did to mine as well." Kamukura seemed to grow uncomfortable as he admitted to his own personal crimes "when those letters fell from my locker I didn't know they were yours Komaeda-kun."

Komaeda opened his mouth to say something but felt the raw stupor of the situation douse him into a rigidly immobile state. Right, Kamukura was human so he shouldn't feel so shocked about this admittance of weakness, right?

"I didn't realize it until after your speech just now but... I do have a weakness. I don't understand emotions and for a long time I thought it was because I didn't have them." At this Kamukura looked up into Komaedas wide eyes, his own seeming to almost glow eerily in the light of the sun with something new shining deeper in their depths, something raw and uncontrollable. "You made me realize I have feelings, Nagito-kun."

If Komaedas jaw could drop any lower he was sure it would've "m-my name." He wheezed out his reply on an unsteady tongue "you used my first name, why?" Kamukura carefully pulled Komaedas hand to his chest, the other boys heartbeat was slow and methodical, "you're the first person who made me feel alive." The answer was so honestly blunt but also so vague and Komaeda felt like his entire world was already shattering too much to comprehend one more anomaly on top of the growing pile.

He decided to accept these new miraculous changes as they came because he knew Kamukura was the one bringing them.

"Thank you, Izuru-kun" the smile was watery, he knew, but he felt it was also one of the most genuine and heart felt smiles he'd offered anyone in a long time since the plane crash.

Valentine Mishaps [KamuKoma]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu