chapter twenty two

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"I hate you to hurting my mama"


we are here inside the house playing with nat and third, now we have plans now to tell them that yin is their daddy

"My two babies, can i talk to you both?" I asked and they are look at me.

"Why ma?" Third asked

"So yeah, you want daddy?" I asked

"Ywesss" nat said

"Yes" third said

"Baby nat didn't you say you want yin to be your daddy?" I asked again, and yin is still silent

"Yeah i swaid that" nat

"Because, yin is your real daddy" i asked and they both shocked, I was surprised when nat suddenly cried, and he punches yin

"I hwate you to hwurting my mama!!! huhuhuhuhu" nat shouted and he still cried.

"I'm sorry baby" yin said, he knelt down so he could match nat

"I hwate you!!!" Nat said and he punch yin chest, third stared at them, he still shocked

"P'thwird said mama was always cwrying at night when he was cwarrying me in his womb, becwause of you!!!" Nat shouted

"I'm sorry baby please i'm sorry" yin said and his tears suddenly flowed

"Talk to me third and nat, don't hate your daddy" i said and third approached me and nat stop punch yin chest, he still sobbing

"Ywou are not mwad at him anymore?" Nat asked

"Yeah, i'm not mad at him, and i will never mad at him" i said

"Thwen my mama not mwad at you, I am no longer mwad with you daddy" Nat said, i'm happy because nat called him daddy now, yin hug him

"Third hug me too!" Yin said, and third look at me and i nodded to him, he smiled and he hug yin and nat.

"So can i call you daddy?" Third asked

"Yes why not because you are my son too" yin said

"Mwa, can you join to our group hug" nat said I would have refused but third pulled me to sit down so me and yin hugged third and nat, I saw in yin's eyes how happy he was. we stared at each other but I immediately averted my gaze

"We lwove you all!" Nat shouted, we let go of our hug

"I love you too" me and yin said at the same time, we stared at each other again, and we both fell silent

"Ooopsss i love you my baby brotherrr!!" Third shouted too

"War, thank you" yin whisper

"You're welcome, I said I will not take our son away from you" I said and smiled to him

"War, come with me back to thailand" yin said, i'm shock but— whattttt did he say????

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