June 1st, 1944

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June 1st, 1944

Arthur's holding an officer's ball of some sort. We all know there's going to be an attack soon, though when and where is the information they've been keeping secret.

Matthew sighed up as part of the Paratroops today. I swear my cousin's trying to make me worry myself to death.

There are supposed to be representatives from each Ally nation present. Francis is here for the French Resistance. I pray I can keep him and Arthur apart from each other.

I heard our friend from the Chinese is named Wang Yao. I haven't met him before, but I have heard many good things about him.

The Russian representative is a bit of a mystery, I heard. I haven't been able to even get a name out of anyone, even.

Oh, well, Matthew's outside the door now, knocking. Guess I'd better get going.

Signing off for today,

Amelia Jones


Amelia looked around the ballroom. Officers stood everywhere, chatting and trying to enjoy the evening. She and a good portion of the other nurses from the Women's Army Corps smiled and danced with the men.

The mood of the event allowed her to know that they would be shipping out in the next few days. She sighed, not liking the fact that she wouldn't know when Matthew left for his mission. But at least she'd be able to be nursing the sick men once the coastline was secured.

Most of the officers here were Canadian, American, or British. There were a few messengers from the French Resistance, who, thanks to their help in coordinating the attack, were practically officers in their own rights.

She was walking through the crowd when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned, and found herself having to look up, which she didn't often have to do. There was a tall, silver haired man with violet eyes. His military uniform was Russian, so then she knew.

Ah. This is the Russian Representative.

"Hello!" She said, smiling at him.

In a heavy accent, he replied. "Hello. Are you Amelia?"


"Major Kirkland would like to speak with you."

She turned and spotted Arthur arguing with Francis. When she finally made eye contact with him, she knew what he needed from the look in his eyes.

"Pardon me. I must go rescue him from a Frenchman."

The Russian chuckled softly, and Amelia crossed the room.

She managed to slip in between the two, and asked Francis for a dance. He accepted, and then she glided across the floor with him, eventually depositing him into another nurse's arms.

Once that deed was done, she looked around, and spotted Matthew dancing with a girl. Amelia smiled.

Alone, she didn't even have to give it a second thought. Those violet eyes had made her curious, and now she wanted to go and find the Russian.

She finally spotted him as she was getting a glass of punch.

She approached him, and he spotted her coming towards him.

She counted the stripes on his arm, and then spoke. "So sergeant, you know my name, but what's yours?"


"Well, Ivan, would you like to dance?"

He smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."


They danced the night away, barely separating from each other. No one understood it. What did the All-American girl see the in towering, silent Russian?

But no one said anything.

As it got down to the last few songs, Ivan smiled. "One more dance, than let's go outside, da?"


The song that came on was one that Amelia knew well, and the words held her in place, her hands in Ivan's, and her head almost resting on his chest.


It seems to me I've heard that song before

It's from an old familiar score

I know it well, that melody

It's funny how a theme recalls a favorite dream

A dream that brought you so close to me

I know each word because I've heard that song before


The lyrics said "Forever more"

Forever more's a memory

Please have them play it again

And I'll remember just when

I heard that lovely song before


Then she felt Ivan guide her outside.

He held a cigarette, and offered her a light when she pulled out her own. They inhaled, enjoying the quiet.

But the night was nearing an end, and they both knew that soon enough, people would come looking for them.

"If I am able to meet up with you one last time, would you want me too?" He finally asked.


He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her. It surprised her, but also made her feel incredibly happy.

Then the door swung open, and a young boy called out. "Sergeant Braginsky?"

Ivan sighed, and their lips parted. "I will see you again soon, my sunflower."

"Goodbye, Ivan."

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