December 25th, 1944

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December 25th, 1944

I sent Lewis a present. Since I don't know when he's going to get it, I'll imagine him opening it in today's entry.

He gets the package. It's small, and he wonders what's inside.

After Matthew teases him a little about his wife, he opens it.

Inside is a few creature comforts, such as his favorite brand of cigarettes, chocolate, and a personal note from me.

But underneath all that is a nice new warm scarf, made in the same brown and green colors as his uniform.

I hope it'll make him smile.


It's the middle of January when the Christmas packages arrive on the front lines.

Matthew opens the letters from home, and laughs at the notes Amelia's sent him, with drawings of random things she's seen in England that she finds really weird.

Lewis sits a few feet away, holding the box close.

"Jesus, you've got to open it eventually, Lew." He finally says.

Lewis opens it up, and laughs. "Wow. Out on the front lines, not even an American's guaranteed his chocolate ration.

Matthew leans over and sees that Amelia's put four chocolate bars in the package.


"Oh, one says 'This one's for Matthew because I save on postage by only sending the one package.'"

"Gee, thanks cos."

"Well, she must have spent a fortune to get this much chocolate. And good cigarettes. I mean, wow."

Matthew shrugs. "You get food and smokes, I get comic books on the oddities of England."

Lewis has fallen silent.


He pulls out the long scarf, and then unbuttons his coat, wrapping it around his neck.

"Looks warm."

"It is."

Then Lewis reads the note.

"It's been decided. Kid's name will either be Alexander Lewis or Anna Victory."

"Good names."

"Yeah. Good names."

They sit in silence, in the relative warmth of their fighting hole, somewhere in either France or Belgium. They've lost track.

But today's a good day.


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