May 25th, 1945

306 8 0

Author's Note: Remember how I said it has a happy ending? Remember that? I swear it does! Please remember that and read the epilogue!

May 25th, 1945

The twins are healthy, and doing well.

Today I got a letter.

I recognize what type of letter it is.

I haven't been able to open it yet.


A few days before, Matthew had sat, staring at the body before him, barely believing.

Then it was like the whole world had come crashing down around his ears.

He hadn't even been able to scream. It was too dangerous.

He covered him with a sheet, and then continued moving on, towards the rest of his unit. They needed him now.


In a small apartment in England, two babies sat, screaming to the sky.

Their mother finally rocked them back to sleep, and then she continued to stare at the letter.

Finally, she opened it.

Mrs. Lewis Baudin,

We are sorry to inform you that your husband has been killed...

That was as far as she got before she laid down on her bed and wept.

I've Heard That Song BeforeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora