CH 3: Enter: The Monokids

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song of today issssss 

(Kirumi's P.O.V.)

'Oh no' I thought

"Ok let me get to the point upupupu you will all be here for a drumroll please... KILLING GAME" The black and white bear said. This was followed by a bunch of murmurs but then Zen- san fainted. Rantaro- san was frantically trying to wake him up so he eventually started yelling into his ear. " HEY" He screamed into Zen- san's ear. This did it for him. He jolted up and looked around. When he saw that everyone was staring at him he quickly hid behind Rantaro- san. "Welp we're gonna speed past that and just get on with the outfits" Monokuma said.

(Zen's P.O.V.)

As soon as I woke up more bears burst into the room. Panting they said "p-papa sorry we're l-late!" There were 5 in all a red one, a blue one, a pink one, a green one, and a yellow one. " Aww here are my cute little cubs" said Monokuma. " Hello my name is Monophanie" said the pink one. "WHAT'S UP BITCHES THE NAMES MONOKID" yelled the blue one. " Ugh move out of the way Monosuke. Hello I'm Montoro" Said the red one. Next the yellow one spoke "uh my name is Monosuke don't bother me and uhh oh right u gotta kill each other" he said as he pointed somewhere near me. ' Yo wtf does this dude want' I thought as I glared at him. It felt as though he was glaring right back at me. I realized the green dude hasn't talked yet. "The green one hasn't talked yet.. is that some sort of threat or something?" I said. everyone turned to me. I didn't realized that I said that out loud. I blushed and hid behind Rantaro. "Sorry" I whispered. "wow what an amazinggg observation" said "Monokid". "This is our basterd of a brother Monodam" he said. I looked at him. We had a sort of staring contest. Something about him looked familiar somehow, like I've seen him and his friends before. "hmm" I mumbled. "hey dude are you ok?" Rantaro-kun asked me. I wasn't paying attention. Before I knew it something clicked in my head. "holy shit" I whispered astonished of what just happened. All at the same time I had memories coming every which way. I couldn't stop it. I eventually started getting dizzy from all the knowledge being poured into my head. I felt my self give out under me while I closed my eyes I smiled slightly knowing I could beat "Monokuma" at this game. 


~The next day~

(Rantaro's P.O.V)

Zen has been acting weird ever since he fainted the first time. He hasn't waken up since him and Monokid were having some sort of staring contest. I wonder what happened to him. I was pretty in thought I didn't know that someone was trying to get my attention. I looked around and saw a boy wearing a hat and being followed by a boy with a star jacket and a girl with some pigtails. "Excuse me" the boy in the hat tapped my shoulder. With a jolt I fell out of my trance. "Um hello" I said in return. "Ah uh did you know this person?" he asked me. "Yes I do" I answered. "Uh sorry my name is Shuichi Saihara." he said.


"Oh hello my name is Rantaro Amami" I said. I stared at the two people behind him. I get pretty skeptical but went back to looking at Zen. I was really worried for the poor boy but Kirumi- san has been taking good care of him along with me and a small boy with purple hair. He asked me to keep how he' s helping out a secret. " Um will he be ok?" Shuichi asked. "Of course with Kirumi- san taking care of him I'm sure he'll be ok!" I said with a little to much enthusiasm. slowly but surely Zen had started opening his eyes. "Rantaro?" he said. as his eyes fluttered open. "hmm whats up? OH YES are you alright?" I asked him astonished on how quickly he woke up. "yes I believe the only thing damaged is my mental state" he said as he awkward laughed. I looked at him and smiled because even though that may have sounded like a scarring joke but its just his way of doing things. I laughed a bit and everyone stared at me strangely but I didn't mind. They didn't know Zen like I did.

(Zen's P.O.V)

I woke up and the first thing I saw was Rantaro. "Rantaro?" I said weakly. "hmm what's up? OH YES are you alright" he asked full of concern. I stared at him "yes I believe the only thing damaged is my mental state" I said before laughing weakly. I gave him a small smile and he did the same. he laughed a bit while the others looked at me strangely. I knew the joke sounded a little weird but its an inside joke between me and Rantaro-kun so I didn't mind. I was still a bit nervous that everyone was staring at me but its alright. Kirumi san walked into the room. she looked at me. I never realized that everyone was wearing different clothing.  I looked over at Rantaro he was wearing different clothes as well! I looked down at myself. 'what the fuck' I thought. I was wearing different clothes as well. "whaaa-" I said. Kirumi-san chuckled "after you passed out the Monokubs had to change you into new clothes. but no one knew how to put that binder on you. so it was either me or Rantaro -san." she said being followed by "yea so they all told me to do it" Rantaro said " its cuz I've known you the longest obvi" he continued. I flushed a bright red and looked away.





 As a Kokichi kinnie the picture was very accurate bc I do b letting everyone down. I legit love that song so I hope you like it. Also can yall see my drafts because I've been super paranoid abt that lol. Also its not just the Monokids I'm introducing in this chapter. Whew this was looonggg. I'm gonna try to make my chapters this long from now on. I reallllyy enjoyed writing this part. My dad took away my internet in an attempt to make me stop writing but that just made me write more, so thank you dad u a-hole.(1016 words)

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