CH 4: Questions and Crushes

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this song is kinda eh but i really like it and its super catchy. hope you enjoy.

(Zen's P.O.V.)

After Rantaro- kun said that I started blushing like crazy. I quickly looked to the side in an attempt to hide my face. Kirumi kept trying to see my face so I put my hands over my face to cover it. "Um are you alright?" the boy in the hat said. "Yea yeah... just give me like 5 seconds" I said. As soon as my face felt cooler I asked them what happened while I was passed out. "So what else happened?" I asked. "Well we all went and introduced ourselves." Kirumi answered. "wait really?" Rantaro questioned. I looked at him with a confused look. He saw that. "I was sitting here with you ever since you passed out." he said. Now it all made sense. It looked like he had bags on his eyes. I looked at the others behind him. "Do you guys need something or..?" I asked. They all looked at me. I felt kinda intimated but other than that It didn't bother me. "Uh actually I'm here to ask you something. the other two came after." the boy in the hat said. "Ok ask away" I responded. "Uh um can it be in private?" he whispered the last part. "Sure." I said as I tried to get off the bed I'm on. "Woah" I said as I was suddenly dizzy. I sat back down. "Hmm I cant get up at the moment so can everyone leave the room?" I asked no- it was more like a round about demand. They all did as I said and left. "So what did you want to ask me?" I said as I took his hat. He tried to get it back while we talked. "Um why do you use that" he pointed at my binder. "Oh this? its because I'm transgender" I responded with a big ol smile on my face. This is the first time someone asked me about it other than Rantaro-kun. He got kinda confused. "oh really?" he said. " Yeah why?" I tilted my head to the side. " im trans too!!" he said somehow excited. "woo thats cool dude.." i paused. "Did you want to know anything else?" I asked. "Soooo what's your name" I asked since I never got it. "Ahh sorry that must have been rude. My name is Shuichi Saihara." he answered. " I'm guessing you already know my name." I told him. " Yea Rantaro told us a lot about you" he said. I turned pink "R- really?" my voice broke when I said that. Shuichi asked to touch my binder, so I let him. Just my luck when Rantaro came inside.

(Rantaro's P.O.V.)

They have been in there a while so while I waited I got curious on what they were talking about. I put my ear to the door and snooped on them. While I did this Kirumi- san came and saw me. "What.... are you doing" she asked me. "Uhhhhh would you believe me if I said I was making sure no one died?" I said. "I would but your saying it in a way that would come off as suspicious" she said. " Fine fine I'm spying on them" I said as I put my ear back on the door. All I heard was 'Can I touch your...' and then it trailed off. I stumbled as I heard it. Then I quickly opened the door. "Oh hey Rantaro" Zen said. He didn't have his binder on. He did have Shuichi's hat on. It looked kinda cute on him. 'I gotta ask Shuichi-san if i could borrow that hat later' i thought. "Hey" I said. I looked at Shuichi-san and he didn't even notice that I came in the room. "Thanks for talking with me" he said. He looked over at me. " Oh hey Rantaro" he said while waving at me. "Hi" I responded. "Are you guys almost done talking cuz I'm feeling kinda sleepy" I said. " Ooh are we sharing a room" Zen said. He said that with stars in his eyes so how was I gonna lie to him. "Duh what else would I be doing here" I said and climbed on the top bunk. " ok well we are gonna have to continue this talk later ok Shuichi- san?" Zen said. "Alright then bye Zen-san talk later" he said as he waved and walked out the door. I climbed down the latter to Zen's bunk. "Sooo.. u like him?" I asked.

(Zen's P.O.V)

I fiddled with Shuichi's hat. I realized that he didn't ask for it back. I blushed slightly while puffing my cheeks. When Rantaro asked me that I blushed a bit harder. "what no way!" I said as I nudged him. "he is waaayy far away from my type" I say making a gesture with my hands. " like thiss far" I stretch my hands as far as they can go. We both laugh. "Hmm what is your type you never told me" he asked. "I'm not gonna tell you my type but I could tell you whos the closest to it" I said. "Who!?!?" he said as he got closer to me. I started feeling a bit light headed. "Hey can we continue this conversation later I'm feeling kinda light headed" I said. He looked at me making sure that I wasn't faking anything. "Sure just let me get Kirumi-san" he told me. "Ok" I said. He came back with Kirumi. " Hello I'm back to help" Kirumi-san said as she walked through the door. "yeah" I said as I laid down on my bed. when she fully came in I saw she had some wet towels, soup, and a thermometer. "I'm going to take your temperature now" she said as she stuck the thermometer in my mouth. "Hmmp thmk ypu" I tried to say. "  no problem" I heard her say. After she fed me some soup and I managed to fall asleep.





Whew this was fun to write. I went to the pool today but cant swim so I had all the time in the world to write. This is probs gonna b updated 10/12 cuz my dads an annoying. but like chile anyways so this chapter was so much funnnnn. Um I forgot what to say so ttyl guyss!!
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edit: the way i wrote shuichi in this chapter was kinda iffy to me so i rewrote it   \(^v^)/

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