chapter 8

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thhhee ssonnng isssss:

not my kokichi kinnie unveiling itself 


(Rantaro's p.o.v)

i woke up to see someone's chest. i looked up to see Zen sleeping and still cuddling me. who knew he was a big spoon honestly, he's shorter than me yet he still does this. i looked up and he was smiling in his sleep. id be lying if i said it wasn't the cutest thing I've ever seen..... well other than spiders wearing water hats. i was about to go back to sleep when i heard the monobears voice boom throughout the room. "GOOD MORNING YOU TROUBLED CHILDREN!" the voices rang from all the speakers. "IM UP!" Zen said sitting straight up as if he wasn't sleeping a minute ago. "WHATS GOING ON?" he turned his head so fast i swear if i blinked he would have already been looking at me. "ahh its just the morning announcement" i said nervously sweating. "oh... ok." he said laying back down. "lay with meeee~" he whined getting comfortable under the blanket. as i laid back down the Monobears resumed their message. "as you all know it is your 3rd day here so you should probably start the killing!!!" the read one and the blue one said in unison. Zen laid his arms out and made a grabby motion. i laughed and went back to cuddling him and could still hear the Monobears in the background. the pink one was.... complaining about the death and the yellow one was just getting annoyed. he pulled me closer to him until the announcement stopped. then his stomach rumbled quite loudly. i laughed. "do you wanna go have breakfast now?" i asked looking up at him. "yeahhhh.. m kinda hungry" he said burying his face in my hair. i chuckled "alright then lets start moving" i tried to get up. he moved to hold onto my back. "mmm can you carry meeee" he whined. "sure" i hoisted him so i could hold his legs and he could hold onto my shoulders. i walked over to the bathroom and put him onto the counter. he started swinging his legs back and forth then jumped off of the ledge. i grabbed my toothbrush and ran it under some warm water. just to loosen the bristles up. Then put toothpaste on it. i brushed my teeth and then went to get clothes from the closet. i changed and sat down on the bed waiting for Zen to finish whatever he is doing. they came over and opened the door to let me out. i thanked them and walked out. we chatted about nothing in particular on our way to the cafeteria. i opened the door to reveal that not many people were there. it was mainly just kirumi-san, kokichi-san, and saihara-san. i went over to the table and sat at the table and started conversing with saihara and zen.


well shit hello again. I managed to screw this out so here :D I hope you enjoy this short chapter and that I can pump more out sobs. I'm in the process of making a webtoon so like wait for like a ear and then I can start promoting it :D.

like 484 words ik its small but school just ended and i needed to get this out [:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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