CH 6: Mornings (Cont.)

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song is.. dun dun dun...


(Zens P.O.V)

As I walked out of the room there I spotted the purple hair Oma-san. "Oh hey why are you here?" I asked him. I'm guessing that he was distracted because when I spoke I apparently startled him. "Oh I was waiting for you. I actually wanted to walk with you for a bit." he said. I contemplated a bit because Rantaro might change his mind and come with me. In all odds we still had to go to the gym. "Sure why not" I said while I shrugged. "Ok come on-" he said before I interrupted him. "sorry I'm going to go tell Rantaro that I cant bring him food" I said. "Oh alrighty then, I'll be out here." he said leaning against the wall. I smiled a bit and opened the door just enough for me to squeeze in. 

~Inside the room~

"HEY IM PROBABLY GONNA GO SRAIGHT TO THE GYM" I yelled to him knowing he was probably using the restroom. "OH YEAH SURE JUST GET ME MY PANCAKES LATER" he yelled back. "Alright" I said as I strutted out of the room.


"Oma-san" I said quite loudly, since he already started walking. "Back so soon are you?" he said playfully. "Yup! So what's up?" I said since I'm pretty impatient. "Nothing much" he said. "Israntaroyourboyfriend?" the purple boy said. Not a mussel on his face moved unlike mine who was confused yet blushing at the same time. "What?" I asked generally confused. "Hm? oh nothing" he said with a bright smile on his face. "Your face says it all" he continued. 'Hmm what about my face?' I wondered. I must have gotten to into it because Oma started waiving and snapping his fingers in front of my face. He started laughing to be honest that surprised me. Im not used to being around people that show this much emotion. I didn't really know what to say in this situation so as soon as I opened my mouth he interrupted me. "I never really learned your ultimate what is it?" Oma said removing his hands from behind his head so he could open the door. I wanted to get this over with so I told him a talent I made up myself. "oh yeah sorry 'bout that." I said kinda nervous, "I'm the ult. guitarist" I whispered quietly with a nervous smile. "AND IM THE ULT. SUPREME LEADER" he yelled. even though I was used to getting yelled at tears started to manifest in the corners of my eyes. "H-hey you good?" he asked me with a worried tone. I wiped what was once my tears and replied, "yeah I'm good sorry 'bout that." "yeah I know" he said. I didn't question that since Oma could spot out lies easily once we entered the gym everyone was staring at us. Out of habit I tried to hide behind Oma but I couldn't since we were about the same height. Sure I was blushing a bit but I stayed in place. Oma turned around and noticed that I ducked behind him. "You wimp get up" he scolded. I whimpered and moved to the side of the wall. He grabbed my collar and pulled me into the gym. I tried to fight back and make him let go but he was surprisingly strong. I looked up at him. "Hey dude what's your problem" I said sighing and giving up. "On nothing I just wanted to live.. ya know?" he said with a grin. "Dang your heavy" he said half way into the gym. "No shit you're dragging me with one hand by my collar." I said with a sarcastic tone. "Whatever we're here now so get up." he said suddenly dropping me. I banged my head on the grey concrete. "Tsktsktsk owch that hurttttt" I said wining not realizing that people were staring. I looked around remembering where I was and blushed cursing on how Rantaro wasn't here. Suddenly Kirumi and my savior, Rantaro came through the doors. I booked it over to him and hid behind Kirumi and Rantaro. Rantaro started walking like it was normal and Kirumi followed him from behind.  "Good your all here" said Monokuma. I noticed that the murder bear was a fidgeting with something behind his back. "now for the fun to begin. I have everyone's MOTIVES" he said grinning. 

(Rantaros P.O.V.)

Monokuma said motives. for some reason all of this seemed familiar. I couldn't point my finger on it but this has happened before. Anyways when Monokuma said that he suddenly threw envelopes all around. They all had someone's name on it.  I picked mine up and waited for Zen to get his. Once everyone picked theirs up we opened them at the same time. After I read mine I let Zen read it. I didn't exactly know what it ment because it said, 'Rantaro cant remember'. After that he looked at me and said "we'll talk after this is all over." "Alright" I responded. after I thought for a while i started thinking on why this was my motive. Even if I was curious I shouldn't risk the chance of me going bonkers. After Monokuma said some words we were let go and went back to our rooms. 





AAA THATS TOO SHORT WHATEVER. ok so my mental heath has been all over the place but i managed to get this out. 'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING ON A CLIFF HANGER ;0;. i hope yall will forgive me. chile anyways so... uh kokichi and Zen met getting panta at 3 am sooo- like ya. uhmwell thats it so hope u enjoyed :D (888 words)

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