Part VI (6)

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Goku was able to sleep the whole night without thinking of chichi or having discomfort from sleeping on the ground . he felt like he had someone beside him. he slowly opens his eyes to see caulifla on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. Goku then jumps out of the bed and onto the ground. caulifla then starts to get up. caulifla then looks at goku. Goku immediately bows and ask for forgiveness. 

Goku: i-im sorry i didn't know i put my hands on you, i-its just that im used to doing that to chichi a-and- 

caulifla: its okay i know it was a accident. it kinda felt warm and comfy... b-but dont do that again or you'll sleep on the floor  

Goku r-right.  

after eating caulifla ask goku to teach her to use ss3 

Goku: thats not something  you get  from traning

Caulifla but i need to get stronger so i can beat you, and plus you did it so you can teach me how. 

Goku alright but it may be too much to handle.

 Goku and caulifla then went to go somewhere safe. after that they began to train 

Goku: look, whatever i say its only for training i dont actually mean what im about to say you. 

Caulifla: words dont effect me

Goku: you are nothing, you are the reason your parents died , nobody will ever care about you, you are worthless. 

Caulifla is shocked of what goku said to her. 

Goku: let it all out. make sure there is no ounce of anger left. 

Caulifla begins to get mad she is mad at what he said she start to scream tears. tears start to out of her eyes and is instantly t super sain 2 she then screams louder finally she reaches ss3. but befoer she can charge at goku with pure anger she falls to the ground. goku then picks up caulifla and heads home. caulifla wakes up on the couch tired.

Goku: oh your awake. 

Caulfila: yeah 

Goku: you were able to reach super sain 3 but your body needs more training before using it.  

Caulifla: ok. 

Goku: hey caulifla 

Caulifla: yeah 

Goku: do you like me. 

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