i : In bed with you

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Tanjirou walked to his room with Zenitsu in his arms. He shifted Zenitsu to carry in one arm, awkwardly tilting his back to open the door with one hand. Really, he should have left his door open. He entered his room and kicked the door with enough force to close it properly without it sounding as if he had slammed it.

Tanjirou sighed and walked to his bed, carefully placing the blond on it. He wiped away the sweat that had formed on his brow before smiling at his achievement. He turned away from the bed and casually took off his clothes as he stalked off to his closet for something to wear.

Having changed clothes already, Tanjirou walked back to his bed and settled beside the sleeping blond. He made sure to move carefully, not wanting to wake the blond.

He sighed in relief when the blond continued with his sleep.

Kamado Tanjirou was now officially left to his own thoughts.

Tanjirou inhaled the other's smell with closed, not noticing that he was inching towards Zenitsu. He let out a trembling sigh.

Tanjirou opened his eyes and was startled at the sight of Zenitsu's face just a few inches away from his. He calmed himself before something down there stands up to attention.

'This is dangerous... Should I back up a bit? It's not like it'll be any help at all... but maybe I should....'

Tanjirou decided that yes, this close is fine and closed his eyes. He should fall asleep any minute now.

Except that he didn't.

Thoughts flew around his head one after another, not one thought stayed for more than a second. He opened his eyes and inhaled to try and calm his thoughts.

'Ok. This time, I'll definitely fall asleep.'

Tanjirou closed his eyes again and tried to inhale as little as possible.



Haaaaah- This is killing me.

I regret this and don't at the same time....

Please help me get through this hardship, Kami-sama, Otou-san!


It was already 1:08AM and Tanjirou only got a few wink's worth of sleep. He sighed. If the son stands, then it stands. It's normal for the son to stand up so early in the morning.

'It's okay.' He comforted. 'You can just say, "Hey, good morning! Oh this? It's just that my 'son' woke up and yeah... Do you wanna he-" STOP. Bad Tanjirou, BAD.' Tanjirou slapped himself on the face and flinched when he felt Zenitsu turn in his sleep.

Zenitsu stopped after a minute and Tanjirou sighed in relief. Zenitsu didn't wake.

'More importantly, how did I even get that thought in my head?!' Tanjirou had the sudden urge to beat himself black and blue. Now that he thinks about it, he was really sleepy.

'Okay, let's just sleep. This isn't present Tanjirou's problem.'

Tanjirou yawned and gave the blond a kiss on the forehead without thinking. Before falling into the embrace of sleep, he moved closer to Zenitsu and murmured quietly;

"Good night, my dear."


Yo! Finally an update! How are you guys? Did you guys like this chapter? If you did, then you're welcome! Thank you for reading and for your patience!

Word count: 501 words

Published: May 11, 2021, No beta, We die like Rengoku

Edit: August 25, 2021, not much editing


The author has something to say:

Tanjirou: ...I'm not inviting you to sleep over anymore

Zenitsu: Huh? Huh? What did I do?

Next chapter: It poked me...
-Tanjirou's troubles came alive and came to bother Zenitsu
-Zenitsu can't stop thinking about 'it' poking him
-Kaigaku overhears Zenitsu's murmurs in the kitchen
-Zenitsu's perspective and a little Kaigaku at the end

Zenitsu: What did I do???? Tanjirou? Tanjirou????

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