Landing The Dropship (Orange POV)

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Panic. That's the first thing that came to my mind when I heard that an impostor was among us. As our dropship landed I glanced at Red again. They were asleep next to their chair. I shivered again and quickly got out of my corner to sit around the middle cafeteria table. Black and Purple we're already there. People started gathering around until soon the only one who wasn't there was Red. Pink got up. "I'll go get Red," they said. We all nodded and they ran off to wake Red up. I stared at the big emergency button in the middle of the table. Everyone else was looking at it too. Pink came back with Red a few minutes later. Black spoke next after a moment of silence.

"So. We're all here. Let's grab our tasks and get to work."

Everyone nodded in agreement. We all grabbed our task sheets and departed. I looked at mine. Seven tasks. Should be easy enough... if I didn't have 3 tasks in electrical. I made a groaning noise and headed off to electrical to get them out of the way. On my way to electrical I passed pink and brown walking together. I guess they grouped up. While I headed to electrical, white stopped me. I jumped as I felt their hand on my shoulder. "Oh!!! I'm so sorry Orange, I didn't mean to scare you..." they said. I adjusted my pumpkin on my head and looked at them, trying to calm my heartbeat. "N-No, you're okay. Um, what is it you need White?"

They adjusted their horns nervously. "Um, I have to scan in Medbay and... and I wanted you to come along and watch me. Cyan is going too... I just want to have proof that I'm innocent."

I sighed with relief. "Yeah, of course I'll come along."

White nodded in appreciation and walked to Medbay, me behind them. Once we arrived, White stepped onto the scanner. Cyan was doing the amalgam machine, occasionally glancing behind themselves to check on White as they scanned. Okay. Two down for innocent. That was good. I started to get the slightest lick of hope. White stepped off of the scanner machine and Cyan finished up their amalgam. "Thanks Orange," they said with a smile. I smiled back. "No problem." Cyan and White walked off together. I headed back to electrical. Once I got there, I worked on fixing the wires. Once that was done, I headed on to downloading data. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Black walked into the room. They looked around themselves nervously and approached the data converter. I stiffened next to them and focused on my download. I saw Black pull something out of their pocket. My eyes widened behind my helmet when I saw what it was. Black looked around themself once more, and once the coast was clear, they aimed the gun at me. I whirled around in fear, looking around for an opening to escape. Once I saw an opening, I sprinted towards the door. I was about to shout for help until I felt an impact on my back. I froze out of shock as the bullet went through my chest. I turned around to look at Black one last time, blood running down my chest. "Why...." I managed to whisper out. I started getting dizzy until....

The last thing I saw before I hit the floor was Black jumping into the vent. Then I blacked out.

I never woke up.

Among Us #1 The SkeldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora