1. With the star Sanses

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Before you go though the story, please read this first.

This characters do not belong to me. Only the storyline does.

The Forced god of destruction Error belongs to harrish6.

I am not sure if this will be a forced destroyer but this story has been inspired by one.

This is not an romance focused story. There are ships inside of course, but they won't largely affect the whole story.

I am still learning about this all, so I will appreciate it if you are willing to help.

Now, onto the story! (Thank you for you for reading this!)


Something was wrong.

He was feeling it to his bones.

Did he forget to put out the fire on his stove?

Or had he forgot there was a council meeting again?

..It seems there was too much other problems that he probably forgot.

But that was the usual for Ink.

And those things didn't usually have this chilling feeling of something is clearly and really wrong.

You see, being a soulless monster means he can't feel much without his paints. So he has to pretend that the other minor feelings that his paints does not have do exist in him.

Cause if not,well.. people tend to get unsettled or worse, fearful.

So from what he does remember from his goldfish memory, he didn't have a paint bottle for a chilling feeling.

Just what is this?

While Ink was musing, blue and dream suddenly appeared next to him

breaking Ink, from his trance like state.

"Ink, don't you think that the destroyer is too quiet lately?"

Dream told Ink with an worried expression.

"Oh! So that was why I was feeling like that!"

And after exclaiming that, Ink dashed away to grab broomie,

leaving his companions behind who looked confused by his sudden actions.

Having collected his broomie now, Ink straight up went to the place where the glitch was sighted the most.

"Heyyyyy Error! You here somewhere?"

It seems shouting his name does not call the destoryer.

"INK! Could you stop rushing to things and leaving us behind?"

Is this Blue's voice?

Oh! It seem his companions who was left behind catched up to him.

"Hey guys! It seems Error is not here right now. How did you find me anyway?

I didn't even tell you where I was going!"

Ink said while changing his eyes to question marks.

"Oh.. about that."

"Well, we definitely figured that you will be searching for Error straight away with broomie,so we came to Outertale first for obvious reasons."

Was it too much obvious that they can now predict on how he will act about the glitch?


Oh. Did he said that outloud?

"Yes again. Ink when was the last time you drank your paints?"

While Dream was asking Ink,

Blue started to wander around the AU.

The stars seemed bright as ever, but

that didn't light up his feelings.

The Destroyer, who was actually his best friend had been unactive for long time and he didn't even knew that!

How shameful of him!

Well, he did visited him sometimes when his brother was not there.

But that was not the point!

Just what are you planning to do Error?

Pranks are fine, but you better not do anything too dangerous even for yourself!

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now