Chapter 12

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"Mm. Yeah no. I'm not feeling good..." I stand up. "I feel like I'm going to throw up..I'll be right back.."

"Don't do it on me." Avery tells me

"Try not too." I make my way to the bathroom

I hold my stomach feeling me cramp up as walk by the tower. I itch my neck my throw feeling itchy.

"You alright?"

I look to the tower to see Whippet's head poking out of the door.

I breathe heavily coughing feeling my throat swell. I wheeze shaking my head. I fall to my knees I hear the door close and Whippet rub down the stairs.

"What's wrong?!" He asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "talk to me."

"I—" I wheeze, "I drink had peanuts..." I tell him. I itch my tongue with my teeth.

"Okay, let's get you inside." He helps me to my feet

Once inside he sits me on the medical bed. "Have you had an epipen before." He asks getting one.

"Yes but when I was younger. I never needed them again, I was allergic to peanuts." I cough and wheeze squeezing my eyes shut.

"Okay, I'm going to give you one alright?"

I nod.

He sticks it in my leg. I feel the needle and I squeeze my eyes shut hating needles.

After he rubs the spot. "How are you feeling?" He ask

I start to feel dizzy and my eyes shut.

Whippet's P.O.V

She moans closing her eyes not answering.

Her body starts to fall over, I catch her body. "Woah, woah." Her head rests on my shoulder. "Hey, hey, Soph. Can you hear me Sophia." I tap lightly on her face.

Her eyes open a bit from them being rolled back.

She snuggles to breathe, "Soph. Soph?" My hear rate goes up. I put her back on the medical bed putting oxy on her.

"Everything alright over there?" Chapo asks

"No she's passed out. She struggling to breathe."

"Sophia squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

Her breathing starts to slow ever more.

My heart pounds hopping the EpiPen has kicked in.

She breathes in then coughs. Her eyes open, "What happened?" She asks dazed.

"You almost stopped breathing.." I tell her

She puts a hand on her forehead laying down. "I don't feel good at all..." She say weakly

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