Lesson Learned : Never Ditch Training

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It was a simple day. Just regular sunny Sunday. Such perfect weather deserved to be enjoyed. So I set off with skip in my step.

Little did I know today was not gonna be good day.


"Ciao bella~!"
"Italy! Quit flirting!"

Today Germany and I were training with Japan. It was hard. So I decided when Germany wasn't looking, I'll ditch.

"5 more laps!"

Poor Japan tripped and Germany was helping him. I would have
helped too, but I have to ditch and this was the perfect time. I ran off.

"Ahhh such beautiful weather!~"
I'm so happy I ditched this is way more fun. But where am I? I accidentally wandered into the forest following a kitty. Then I heard a sound.

"H-Hello?" My voice trembled but the word managed to slip out of my mouth. Then I saw two figures run away. They looked like Japan and Germany! I started to follow them but stopped. What if Germany was mad?! But I'm too scared! I ran after them.

I dodged trees and their branches and avoided tripping over rocks. I'm trained professional when it comes to running. By the time the sun set we somehow ended up out of the forest and into the shady part of town. I never go here because of the rumored mafia. Wahh! I'm scared again!

Japan and Germany went into a dark ally. I followed them slowly and hid behind conveniently placed crate.

"Italy-San is going to be very upset when he finds us. We shouldn't have skipped training."

"I know but I don't want to train."

"I understand."

"And now Flavio is chasing us along with Luciano."

"I bet he won't find us in fear of getting his designer scarf ruined."

They broke out in laughter. This is confusing. Did I mistake them for being Germany and Japan. They'll hurt me for sure! All I have to do is sneak away!

"What was that boys?" 

"Wahh!" At the sound of the new man's voice laced with an Italian accent I screamed. I covered my mouth in hopes they didn't hear. But even I knew that was stupid.

"Flavio was that you?" The German? man asked slowly.

"No! It came from that crate!"

"Who's there?"I remained silent as the Japanese? voice echoed.

"I won't repeat myself tell us now!"

"I'm the tomato box fairy! If you walk very far away I'll grant you three wishes!"
I heard silence for while before I was lifted into buff arms. Then I stared into the lavender eyes of man who looked just like Germany!

"Fratello why were you hiding behind a crate?"

I turned my head to see a BLOND ROMANO!

"Wait look at his eyes there not there usual color." Japan? stated.


"You're right! Who are you?!"

"Wahh!" -Out of pure instinct I gripped onto Germany's leg-"I'm Veneziano Italy also known as Feliciano Vargas! Please don't hurt me!"

"Impossible!" The man that looked like Japan with crimson eyes took out his blade! I started trembling and gripped onto Germany more.

"Kuro stop. He's not lying." Thank god fratello?, whatever, believes-a me!

"How do you know!?" The man now known as Kuro exclaimed

"Well Kuro, when you live with fratellino that swipes all of your designer scarves you'll be able to tell whether or not they're lying!"

"Well then, if you say so." Kuro returned his blade back to it's sheet.

The blond Romano returned his attention back to me. His hand gently petted my head.

"Ve~!" The soft sound that escaped my lips were enough to set Romano off.


Romano tackled hugged me and I hugged back since my Romano isn't that affectionate.

"You're so cute and you hug back unlike some people I know!~"


"Aww!"-Romano's face rubbed against mine like cat!-"Tell me cutie how did you get here?"

"Well Germany was making us train and I didn't want to so I ditched! Then I got lost and was scared and followed them because I thought they were Japan and Germany! Then this happened!"

They looked at me funny.

"Cutie pie they are Potato head and Japan." Now it was my turn to look at them funny.

"But Germany has blue eyes and Japan has big brown eyes!"

"Hmm explain. You said your Potato head was making you train but our Potato hates training."

I looked at him funny.

We then started comparing our Japans,Germanys and both South and North Italys.

"So you're saying I hate hugs!" Romano exclaimed and I nodded.

"That kinda sounds like our Luci." Romano added whom I learned his name was Flavio.

Everyone by this point was shocked.

"What do we do with him?" Lutz questioned.

"We take him home of course! He's too cute to pass up!"

"But if I don't go back to Germany and Japan they'll be worried! Romano too!"

"What made you think you'd leave anyway?" Kuro grinned evilly.

"Don't worry we have pasta!"

"Vehh~ pasta! But Germany..."

The trio frowned at me but their frowns were interrupted by a voice.

"What are you bastardos doing!"

Hope you enjoyed! I don't own Hetalia!

EDIT: This chapter has been edited to get rid of cringey accents. Please comment if I missed a grammar error. Please. Please. Please. I'll die if I see another your that's suppose to be you're. ;-;

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