In Another Life

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Hey guys, it's Allie! I'm sorry for such a short chapter; I've been so busy lately. And since I'm having an exam this Friday, I cannot release chapter 11 next week. I hope you'll enjoy this one and I'll see you in two weeks with a longer chapter :) Love you!


Harry could have sworn he'd seen this scene before.

The fireflies and her. Everything seemed and felt so familiar yet he could not trace back to that exact memory. His head hurt, could be from the dancing or the unexpected flashbacks, so he asked for a break and sat down by a tree, watching Reyna chase fireflies. She looked the happiest she'd ever been, or as far as he could recall, which made him wonder if the crown she wore had imprisoned her all these years. Well, of course. The whole reason she'd run off in the first place was to look for freedom. Then why had she returned to the castle? Why had she just given up on her freedom?

He believed at one point he'd known all the answers and even her like the back of his hand. Now, all he had were questions. It was unsettling how someone knew you more than you knew them. Harry hated that; it made him feel vulnerable.

"Harry, look!"

He whipped his head up to see Reyna holding her fists together, a warm glow sipping through the gap between her fingers. She brought the firefly to him, got down on her knees and extended her hands. "Make a wish," she told him.

He chuckled. "On a firefly?"

She lifted her shoulders. "These could be the spirits of the forest. It might actually work."

A laugh crackled out of Harry as he shook his head. He leaned closer until the light illuminated his entire face then he shut his eyes and made a wish.

He wished for them to return home safely.

When he opened his eyes, hers were closed. She mumbled soundless words and gave him a smile that could turn him to stone.

"What did you wish?" he asked, his voice wavering.

She pursed her lips to suppress a smirk. "If I told you, it wouldn't come true." Then she released the firefly. And they both watched the shiny spot float above and disappear in the shadow of trees.

They continued their journey after a long sleep. It was a gloomy day when they woke up. The air was colder. It was the kind of cold that made your bones ache. Sitting on his horse, Harry's teeth were chattering and his fingers felt numb around the reins. He had to look over to check on Reyna once in a while and make sure she was all right. Her skin was white from the cold, her braid dusted with snow, yet her cheeks glowing pink. Seeing her like that gave Harry the energy to keep going.

They hadn't gone for long when the snowstorm began. Strong icy winds sailed over them, kicking up layers of snow, washing the forest white. Fortunately, they had seen this coming and took shelter in the nearest cave they could find.

They shrugged off their heavy coats, made a fire and roasted the rabbits they'd hunted yesterday. It terrified Harry how much they'd got used to this life. Everything felt a bit easier day by day. How long had they been wandering in these woods? He could not recall. Time didn't seem to exist anymore. And to him, forgetting time was terrifying because time never forgot you. You might not remember growing old, but you still were every single day.

So what if he and Reyna never made it out of here?

He looked over to Reyna as she chewed on the rabbit leg. She seemed nonchalant, or she was just better at hiding her worries. Perhaps this was for the best. One of them must stay sane for both of them to continue the journey and not give up halfway. Harry thought he could lose it any time soon.

THE WINTER AND THE CROWN // Harry Styles (#TCTM2)Where stories live. Discover now