4) Filler

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Madison sat on the ground of pillows and blankets with a terrified look on her face.

Kaitlyn was currently putting Madison's bangs into small ponytails.

Kaitlyn looked at Madison's face and laughed, "You look like a feral cat!" She said

Suddenly they heard some weird noises come from Tendou.

"You have to stay still!" Luka said and took the mud mask off Tendou.

Madison chuckled a little, "How about I do Tendou's mask?" Madison asked Luka.

"I wanna do it!" He pouted, "Hey,Maybe the Master of mask can do yours" Madison whispered and jestered to Kaitlyn.

Luka shot up and ran to Kaitlyn while Madison crawled over to Tendou.

"Sorry about Luka" Madison said and started to take out another mud mask.

"It's alright! He's a funny kid!" Tendou said and laughed at a joke Luka had said earlier.

Everyone layed on the floor Luka,Blaze,and Tendou had fallen asleep.

"I don't get it" Kaitlyn sighed staring at the ceiling with Madison.

"Hmm? What?" Madison asked, "Today Oikawa came to me" Kaitlyn said.

"That's odd,Isn't he in highschool now?" Madison asked

"My exact thoughts, He said the weirdest thing." Kaitlyn said and closed her eyes.

"Kait-chan!" Oikawa yelled running towards the girl walking home.
She turned her head and he stopped and looked down at her.
"On your first day of middle school is it true you and Madi-chan got into a fight?" He asked
"Well,Yeah." Kaitlyn shrugged, "Did you guys actually start the fight?" He asked.
"No,Why are you asking so many questions?"Kaitlyn asked suspiciously.
"Don't worry about it!" Oikawa yelled and ran away as Kaitlyn sweat dropped.

"He asked a lot of questions" Kaitlyn muttered and looked over at Madison.

A soft snore left Madison, Kaitlyn looked over at the clock, "It's 5 in the morning already?" She sighed and eventually fail asleep.

"Where are you guys going?" Blaze asked looking at Tendou,Madison,and Kaitlyn putting their shoes on.

"When I die? Probably Hell. But right now We're going to walk Tendou home." Kaitlyn said and slipped on her jacket.

"You know I'm actually older then you guys" Tendou said with his silly grin and moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Wait what?!" Luka yelled

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