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1 year later
Oikawa had confronted the 2 girls that had acused Madison and Kaitlyn of bullying them.The two girls had then lost interest in Oikawa.

Kaitlyn smiled as she walked beside Madison, "Its our last day of Middle school!" Kaitlyn cheered

"I know" Madison said, "Now we get to go to Highschool! And we can see Blaze at school again!" Kaitly smiled.

"Not quite yet,We have to wait for summer break and for school to end for the day." Madison corrected her sister.

"Whatever!" Kaitlyn huffed, "Hey Madison! Can we talk to you?" A couple of second and third years from her team asked her at the top of the stairs.

"Go!" Kaitlyn said and pushed Madison towards them and ran. "It's the last day of school and we wanted to tell you something." One of the girls said.

They surrounded Madison and only left an opening at the stair case. "Your going to highschool next year, So we wanna tell you how we really feel about you." A second year said, Her face covered in discuss looking down at Madison.

"Do you Really think we call you the Volleyball Robot because we think your perfect?!" The first girl spat.

"We call you the Robot because your heartless!Brainless! And everything you do is too perfect for us to work with!" She spat again

"We Don't care How many times you've carried us in a game! Or that for 3 years you've taken us to the nationals!" The second girl said since it was her turn.

"You make all of us look and feel pathetic! You cunt!" Another girl yelled

"Did you ever really believe we were ever your friends! Just the thought makes me sick! You could never be in a proper friendship!" Another girl yelled.

Madison shook as she stared at the ground with her hair fallen over her face.

A picture of Tendou flashed in Madison's head as her eyes widened, 'Does he feel the same?'

"And Now You get it! Your finally realizing that!"The last girl yelled

Madison fail to her knees without a word, The girls turned away to walk to class in the empty halls.

Suddenly one stopped and ran at Madison, Pushing her down the stairs.

Madison's eyes widened, Tears began to stream down her face. The strap to her backpack broke as she hit the ground.

She layed on the ground with her broken backpack and stared at the ceiling with tears streaming down her face.

The group of girls walked away leaving their broken teammate.

"H-help.." Madison whispered in a shakey voice. She slowly got up when a pain shot up her leg causing her to fall again.

"My leg.." Madison whispered, "Is it broken?" She asked staring at the ceiling with teary eyes.

As the bell wrang the students stood up from their desk getting ready to go home for the summer.

'That's odd, Madison didn't make it to class...' Kaitlyn thought looking at Madison's desk.

As Kaitlyn walked down the hall she noticed a group of people surrounding the stairs.

She walked over to see what the fuss was, People looked over at her and moved out of the way.

Kaitlyn looked at the scene horrified, Madison was on a stretcher being carried away.

"Holy shit" She whispered, "Can Atama Kaitlyn Please come to the office?" The principal's voice wrang.

"I'm sad to say this since this is how you have to end your last day of middle school." The principal sighed.

"But your sister broke one of her legs when she accidentally fell down the stairs. I've called your brother, He is gonna come here and pick you up." The principal explained.

"For now I need you to wait in the waiting room if that's okay" The principal said.

"Its fine, Can I call my Aunt?" Kaitlyn asked, The principal nodded. Kaitlyn walked out of the office and went into the hallway.

She pulled out her phone and dialed her Aunt's number.

"Hey, Kid! Wacha calling for? Excited school ended?" Her Aunts voice asked.

"Not really, Madison broke her leg" Kaitlyn sighed, "Holy shit!" Her aunt cursed.

"That's what I said!" Kaitlyn almost yelled, "No not that! I burned my popcorn!" Her aunt almost yelled.

"But yeah that broken arm thing is pretty fucked." Her aunt said and popped a piece of burnt popcorn into her mouth.

"Its a broken leg,not arm" Kaitlyn corrected. "Right, It was Blaze that broke his arm, right?" He aunt questioned.

"No one broke their arm!" Kaitlyn yelled with an irk mark.

"Then tell me this, Why are we talking about a broken arm" Her Aunt retorted.

This chapter was kinda short, My chapters have been pretty short lately. I'm really exited to get to when they go to Highschool. I've been doing a lot of time skips too actually. I'm most likely going to do another time skip in the next chapter. I've also been focusing on Madison a lot and I'm thinking of focusing on Kaitlyn and Blaze more. Luka is kinda just a side character, I have him there bc I wanted to have a funny kid in the story.

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