Losers Club Au 💗💜 +platonic 💚💗

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Ships: Moxiety with platonic Intruality 

TW: Underage Smoking, Swearing+minor slurs(sl*t), sexual innuendoes, mention of bullying,  mention of violence, low confidence, slight spoilers(not really but some people get really upset and I'd rather avoid conflict)

Patton was slightly inspired by Bev and Remus by Richie. Virgil was supposed to be somewhat like Stan but that's not really shown here.  


"Where's Pat? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago." Virgil said, looking around in a worried manner. Remus shrugged, looking up from the ant he'd been tracking. "I'll go look for him." He said.

"Okay but if you're not back in ten minutes I'm leaving." Virgil said. "No you're not, you'd be too worried about your lover Pat." Remus said. Virgil turned bright red. "Shut up."

"Never." Remus said while standing up and cracking his back, much to the dismay of Virgil who cringed at the disturbing popping noise.

Remus grinned at him and walked down the main street sidewalk before stopping short. He peered into an alley where he spotted a boy in white overalls and a blue shirt along with a grey cardigan around his waist. Remus recognized it as Patton and walked down into the alley. Patton was sitting by a garbage can, smoking a cigarette while leaning against the wall and staring into space.

"Never knew you smoked Daddy-o." Remus said, looking at the joint in Patton's hand. Patton jumped at the sudden voice before sliding back down the wall. He shrugged. "That's surprising. It's what I'm known for at school. Other than being a slut who's fucked everyone." Patton said, taking another puff before motioning for Remus to sit down.

"I guess that's why you're a loser." Remus said bluntly, plopping down next to him. Patton snorted in an amused matter while Remus grinned cheekily. "So you smoke but do you drink?" The boy in green asked. 

Patton paled slightly before shaking his head. Remus took notice of his reaction but brushed it aside for later. "Cool. I don't want to have to deal with a drunk person. Dealing with Roman is enough" He said. 

"Mhm." Patton nodded. "So are you going to offer me one or what?" Remus said. Patton raised an eyebrow. "You smoke?" 

"I'm the trash rat, what do you think?" Remus said, holding his hand out. "I can't tell if that's self depreciation or a fact." Patton said, passing the half smoked cigarette. Remus took a puff before handing it back to Patton. 

"So why'd you start smoking?" Remus said, pulling at a string on his shirt. 

"Why'd you start smoking?" Patton responded. "I asked first." Remus said. "Touche. Eh, it's a stress reliever. Whenever d--people are being a-holes I use it to destress. Not the best method but hey, I could be doing worse." Patton said, handing the joint to Remus. 

"Fair point though next time when someone's being a dick, tell me and I can use my bronze knuckles on them." Remus joked, cracking his knuckles. Patton snickered. "I doubt you can beat up the whole town Re." 

"It's a bet." Remus said. Patton rolled his eyes but looked amused. Virgil came around the corner and with the speed of the Flash, Patton grabbed the joint and quickly snuffed it out. 

"Were you two smoking?" Virgil said, looking concerned though that was mostly for Patton. Remus glanced at Patton who had a desperate expression and said,"Noperooski. I was testing if I could burn down the building with a cigarette while Pat here told me about bitchy people. " Patton nodded, looking relieved and entertained by Remus's lie. 

Virgil rolled his eyes, seemingly believing the deception. "Of course you were. Anyways, can we get out of this alley? De would have a heart attack if he knew you were in here, Remus." 

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