Chapter One:

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Walking through the streets of San Francisco was very unsettling. Turning this corner may change my life forever
 There was a pub, maybe I could wait there for a bit. I walked in hearing the bell ring.

"Welcome to Joe's!" I heard a bartender say. I waved at the man, he was on the larger side, with a long dark beard with streaks of grey and brunette. He smelt of cheap cologne and frier oil. 

"What can I get you, Lil' missy?" The man asked while I was sitting down placing my wallet on the bar.
 "You guys have wine, right? I replied.

"Always do, always will" I chuckled. 

"Great I'll take a glass of white" 

"on it" He brought me the glass then stepped over to a man sitting a few seats away, I stared for a minute, he had a corona beer bottle and was sitting alone. He definitely had money seeing the way he dressed. No middle-class citizen would wear a pink blazer. That's just how things work, he made eye contact with me, I stared back at my glass fiddling with my fingers trying to hide the fact that I was staring at him. He smirked at me then grabbed his bottle shifting seats closer to me.

He looked over at me, we both smiled. Then shifted his body towards mine. "Why are you at a pub on a Thursday?" I jumped, he's Irish?

"I could ask you the same thing," I gulped.

He chuckled “Long day?” 

"Something like that,” I took a sip of my glass,” What's your name?”

"Niall, Niall Horan"

"Nice to meet you Niall" I smiled then took another sip 

We talked for about thirty minutes back and forth. Mostly him asking questions, and me answering them. But it was different, all my past love interests have been narcissistic teenage boys. I haven't dated since my sophomore year of college, and that was 3 years ago. I'm twenty- three now. 

"What do you say, we get out of here?"

I chuckled, "I am ready to go... but I have a business meeting early tomorrow”

"I see, well how about this, you give me your number and we can continue this over dinner?"

"I would like that..." I handed Niall my phone as he put in his contact information. He called a cab for the both of us, I offered to pay for the ride which was nice, then walked me to my door.

“Hey, before you go,” He said while grabbing my coat sleeve,” I never got your name”

“It's Amber,” I smiled.

“Well have a goodnight, Amber”

“You too”

I stepped into my small studio apartment, greeted by my roommate, Noell. With her eating Chinese food on the couch curled up in a blanket with her boyfriend Mitch. 

"Your back! It's like eleven where were you?" 

"I'll tell you about it later" eying Mitch.

"Alright, but if its a guy I need to know now"

"I said I'll tell you later..." she gasped. I told her goodnight then ran back to my room to get ready for the night. 

I fell on my bed grabbing my TV remote putting on The Vampire Diaries. Then taking off my long coat, placing it on the back of my chair, removing my shoes. Then heading to my bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the showerhead. Starting to remove my clothes, when I got a text message.

Unknown: Hey, is this Amber?
Me: Yes? 
Unknown: its Niall.

We had scheduled dinner and started talking about how Trump cheats at golf. It was an amazing conversation. I had to let him go early so I could shower. But I'm excited about dinner.

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