Chapter Five:

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Once I heard my phone alarm go off, 7:00 it screamed. I dismissed it and opened my eyes.

"Niall?" I looked around the room to see Niall wasn't there. I got up and looked in the bathroom. He wasn't in there either. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I walked in the kitchen to see Niall cooking.

"Good morning" he said as I walked over to him.

"Good morning" I replied, "What are you cooking?" I looked in the pan to see eggs and bacon, "Oh breakfast, I never eat breakfast"

"Never?" Niall looked offended, I shook my head 'no'.

"Take a seat" He put the plate where I was going to sit.

"You didn't have to cook"
"I do it every morning" I scoffed at his remark. Nialls life is a lot different from mine, he has schedules that he follows. I'm all over the place, I never have schedules. I just do what I do and hope for the best.

He grabbed a fork from his dishwasher and put it on my plate, "Oh, thank you" he nodded his head and came to sit down next to me to eat.

"I have work at nine so we need to leave at eight" I said while stuffing my face full of bacon. He agreed that we would leave at eight. "I have to take a shower" he said, "I'll be in the bathroom if you need me" I nodded my head as he grabbed my plate and his and put it in the sink. Once he left I grabbed my phone to see Noell called me. I called her back.

Noell: Where are you! I blanket out last night and woke up on the couch! Me: I spent the night at Nialls, you passed out when you opened the door.
Noell: Hold on, you're at Niall Horan's house right now? How what?
Me: It was late he invited me to stay.

I finished the conversation telling her about what happened last night, and what we did.

Me: I'll see you tonight, okay?

I hung up the phone, when I was sitting on the couch in Nialls living room, he came back down.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yea just let me grab my stuff" I grabbed the clothes from last night and the shoes from the mudroom. We walked out to the garage, we both got in the car and drove off.

"Niall?" He made a 'hmm?' Sound replying to me, "Do you want to come over tonight for dinner, Noells going to her boyfriends tonight so I thought it would be a good idea."

"Yea, I'd love to"

"I'll probably just order a pizza or something, but we could stay in and watch TV" Niall agreed to the idea, we drove a little while, we then pulled into my apartment complex.

"Thank- you, for last night, and dinner" I said while getting out of the car, Niall grabbed my arm before letting me out.

"Wait," I looked back and saw Niall looking at me in the eye, locking eye contact,

"before you go I wanna tell you something'"
I got back in the car while he pulled my other hand in and leaned towards me, I closed my eyes before we connected our lips. I put my hands on his jawline caressing both of his cheeks. "See you tonight," he said while I bit my lip and grinned.

"See you," I got out of the car and shut the door, he waved goodbye through the window as he drove away. I unlocked my apartment door to see Noell gone. Her boyfriend lives in upper San Francisco so she leaves early to visit him during the day. I got work clothes and washed my face. I redid my makeup and left for work.

The rest of the day was a blur, I just worked on the draft for Nialls article. I came home for lunch, but then had to go back early. We had a meeting where I had to explain the draft. I left work for the day, and walked home. I don't get paid enough to buy a car so I walked, but it always kept me in shape.

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