Chapter Six:

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"Noell? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Mitch?" I sounded completely detached from what was happening, why is she here?

"M-Mitch he- we got into a fight," Her voice was trembling.

"A fight? What do you mean? Was it physical?" Niall came through walking out of my room," Niall get back in there" I threw him the bag of clothes from his car. 

"It wasn't physical..." She looked up at me with a blank face, she looked so horrified her eyes were wide and her pupils were dilated.

"No, Noell," I sat down beside her, "Tell me everything"

"I found him in his bed, and he was fine. I heard something in his closet so I looked. I wasn't supposed to. I shouldn't have looked in there"

"What was in the closet Noell? Tell me"

"A girl" I felt my soul leave my body when she said that. Mitch and Noell had been together for two years, how could he? What was he doing with her?

"He tried to explain and I just didn't expect it, He got up and told the girl to leave. I don't know I reacted he just started screaming and blaming me. I tried to apologize"

They had usually always gotten along, why would he do such a thing? What was I going to do? I mean she's my best friend, Nialls here, what do I do with him?

"Noell, I'm going to try and fix this, I'll call in sick tomorrow. I just need to sort this out" I started pacing around the room, how was I going to sort this out?

"Niall! Can you come here?" I called Niall into the living room to help with the situation, maybe he'll know how to help.  Niall came into the living room with the clothes from his bag, it was a t-shirt and shorts which was typical for him to wear.

"Noell, this is Niall," I finally introduced them to each other thinking this was probably the only time they would see each other without it being awkward. What am I kidding of course it is.

"I know who he is you, idiot, I passed out last time I saw him" Noell snapped, she was out of it.  Niall chuckled at her response.

"He's just gonna help with the situation," I added

"I am?"  He scrunched his brows.

"He is?" Noell also looked confused.

" Yes," I took a deep breath.

Noell explained the situation to Niall in as best detail she possibly could, I could tell she almost broke into tears a few times while talking about Mitch, she really loved him, no matter what he's a complete ass.  Niall comforted her in any possible way he could, I had never seen this side of him, so compassionate. With me he's always acting like a child, I have never seen him act so grown up and respectful.

"Noell" Niall took a deep breath," this is hard, I've been through it, and so can you" Noell nodded her head in response. Niall placed his hand on her shoulder giving her a compassionate look. I smiled at both of them seeing how close they got.

"I think it's time we all go to bed" Niall stated. I smiled and helped Noell off the couch and i led her to her room, I got her a glass of water. Its probably wouldn't help but I don't know what to do at this point.

"Thank you," she said, I smiled, " Tell Niall 'Thank you' to"

"I will" I shut her door and walked out taking a deep breath. I walked back into the kitchen to see Niall sitting on the bar.

"Hey," I placed my hand on his upper back, his pointer fingers were on his temples.

"Hi" He inhaled deeply and looked up to me, "that was rough"

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