Chapter Seven:

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Me and Niall were still at the cabin, we were watching more golf on the TV while his arm was wrapped around me.  I was cuddled up next to him with a blanket while resting my head on his shoulder.

"Should we head back to Noell? It's been a while" Niall asked.

"What time is it?" He the time on his phone.

"Its four thirty-ish"

I tilted my head back and thought hard, I didn't want to be selfish but I didn't want to leave Noell alone. Its been all day, "We should head back" I sighed. We gathered all of our belongings and Niall turned off all the lights are music equipment, then locked the door. I got to the blanket that we were cuddling with, which is something. It smelled like him, him and me.

We both got in the car and headed towards Central San Francisco, we went through the rocky path and got back on the main road. Thirty minutes in a car with Niall is a lot, we talk for five then he plays the radio for fifteen and gets mad at the station for having commercials. Eventually turning it off and the cycle starts over again.

"Ooh McDonald's!" I pointed to an intersection with a food sign.

"Are you hungry?"

"Just a bit" He turned into the intersection and we came to the McDonald's drive through. I ordered a small chocolate milkshake and ten piece chicken nugget. When we got to the window the worker was starstruck, "Oh my God, are you Niall Horan?"

"Yes, dear I am" He smiled at the worker.

"Well your totals 7:86..." He handed his card to the worker, " Heres your car ba- Niall! Is that your girlfriend?"

"Uhm" My face got red. Niall grabbed the blanket from off my lap and threw it over my face.

"No, I don't know what your talking about?" He pulled forward, grabbed my milkshake and chicken nuggets and his food then left the drive through. We got back on the main road with me pulling the blanket down.

"Niall? What was that?"

"Look, I'm sorry. Fans they do a lot"

"But why did you throw the blanket over my head?"

"Fans take pictures, pictures get leaked it a whole thing, you wouldn't understand"

"Are you embarrassed of me?"

"Amber, you think I'm embarrassed of you? We just haven't talked about the media thing. If we want to keep our relationship under way or not"

I sat back in my seat and looked out the window, "Amber, don't get mad. Its just we haven't had that discussion yet. Now drink, the goddamn milkshake" he handed me my drink , and me taking it. 

We drove back through San Francisco and back to my apartment. He opened the car door and I got out.

"Thank you" I said in a posh tone. He walked me back up to my apartment, he stood silently while I unlocked the door. I opened the door and Noell was still on the couch.

"Hey guys," she waved at us while I set my keys down.

Niall stood behind me, "Amber I'm gonna go"

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