3-Beach Weekend

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*~*My POV*~*

Kai pulls up to the Todoroki household in the limo that she brought everyone in. She hops out the car and quickly rushed up to the door. But just before she knocked their was a loud crash. It sounded like shattering glass. She got a bit nervous, wondering what happened but at the same time not wanting to go in there. She knocked on the door, cautiously. A bit of shuffling was heard and the door swung open. It was Hikaru. He looked terrified. " Can I help you? " He asked, before they both dodged one of the plates that flew.

" Your wasting moms China! " He yelled back, only to be replied by a shriek of anger. " Oh, I'm here for Emiko she's supposed to come for a beach party with our class " She said. " Oh, okay I'll go get her. You can come inside but be careful my sisters mad at me so she might throw something at you " He said. She nodded and stepped inside the house. Then she saw an enraged redhead. " Oh hi. Are you one of Hikaru's friends? If so I advice you to get away from him because HE'S A BACKSTABBING TRAITOR who only cares about himself. " She shrugged.

" Well, no actually I'm Emiko's classmate. We're all going to a beach party so I came to pick her up " She said. " I think she's upstairs " She shrugged. Then Emiko and Hikaru come downstairs with Hikaru hiding behind Emiko, keeping her in the path of him and Mirai. " Is it alright if I come along with you guys? " He asked. " Yeah sure " Kai shrugged. " Cool great see ya later bye " He dragged Emiko out of the house. " Uh... bye... " She waves awkwardly at Mirai before leaving.


Kai brought them all to the cabin area. Her parents own this beach. " How rich are you? " Hiroto asked. " I dunno actually. Anyways, boys cabins are over there and girls cabins are over here " She pointed to different ways. They all got settled, then changed into their swim suits and headed down to the beach. " Wow. Emiko looks so hot " Hiroto said. She wore a white bikini with a blue outline, and straps tied around her neck. She wore her usual gloves as well. " I know " Kain was snapping pictures, with a slight nose bleed.

The two felt a shiver go down their spine. " So what're you two looking at? " Hikaru asked. He placed his hands on their heads, he had a smile but a dark shadow cast over his face. They slowly turned to the right, and started running for their lives. Suddenly there was a loud scream. " Somebody help my baby!! " It was a woman. Her son was needing help because he was drifting out and couldn't swing. " Emiko! " Kai called. She lifted water making sort of a bridge. She nodded and runs while taking off her gloves.

She froze it, making it a solid bridge, she runs across, putting her gloves back on, before grabbing the kid out the water. He coughs a lot. " Mommy, where's my mommy? " He asked scared. " Are you okay? Did you get hurt or anything? " She asked. He shakes his head. She sighed. " Don't go too far out into sea like that again " She said. He nodded, she carried him back. " Thank you! Your so brave! And that other girl as well. Your too kind " She almost cried. " It's alright ma'am " She said.

Then she saw Tensei walking past. She runs up and whispers something to him. He nodded and gave her a thumbs up, he had a sparkle in his eye.

~Across the Beach~

" Hey that girls pretty hot right? " One boy asked. " Yeah. And did you see the way she slid across that ice? She's so cool " Another agreed. " I bet she's super freaky too " The third added. " I say we invite her out with us for a couple drinks " The first one said. They nodded and then walked away.

~A bit later~

Emiko was sitting at the bar table. She was drinking a mango smoothie. Everyone else was over at the beach. " Hey. " Someone said. She turned to see a boy. " What is it? " She asked, taking another sip. " Your friend over there asked us to hand this to you " He said giving her a note. " Which friend? " She asked. He pointed to Kai. " Okay. Thanks I guess " She shrugged. She opened the folded piece of paper while he walked away.

Meet me on the beach front at midnight. And don't tell anyone you got this or talk about this note. Just get rid of it.

She raised an eyebrow at how strange the note was, but she threw it in the trash can. She finished her smoothie and goes back to the beach to hang out with everyone.

~That night~

Emiko looked at the clock. Midnight, just like the note said. She pulled on some black leggings and then some black slides. She left her hair clip off, so she wouldn't loose it on the beach. Behind from a palm tree, out peeked Hiroto. He'd seen that guy flirting with her at the beach stand, he wanted to know what this was all about. And why she'd went out all the way at midnight. He kept following her but careful enough to keep his distance and be quiet. " Kai! I'm here " She said.

" Kai? " Hiroto whispered questioningly. " It's me Emiko. And also you didn't have to send those guys with a note you could've just told me " She shrugged. " Kai— mmmmph!! " He mouth was covered and she was dragged away. " What the hell?! " Hiroto asked running after her.

~In the place~

Emiko took a big gasp. She could barely breathe when they were holding her mouth. She looked and saw the boy from before and a few unfamiliar ones. " What do you want? " She asked. " Answer is cold as ever I see. But I like that about you " He said lifting her chin. Hiroto was about to jump in, saving his 'damsel in distress' but she got to it first. She pulled her gloves off, grabbing his wrist, freezing him. " I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not just some push over got that? " She said.

" I'm tired of people picking me out because I'm small and have a pretty face. " She stood up, still holding his wrists. " Listen. I'm the daughter of an amazing pro hero and I can't disappoint him. So if I loose to a bunch of idiot perverts like you, I won't be able to look him in the eye " She said. " It's not like you can look him in the eye right now anyways " Hiroto said walking in. She glared at him. " What's that supposed to mean? " She asked. " Your small " He shrugged. " What? " She asked.

" Your small. Pocket sized. Fun sized. Mini. What have you " He shrugged. " Your really gonna insult me after I almost just got hurt by these guys " She asked. " Oh please. I should be worried about them your like the scariest person at school " He shrugged. She glared at him once again. " Man, are everyone in your family so scary? " He asked. She rolled her eyes and stormed out the cabin. " C'mon! It was a joke! " He said chasing after her. " I think we should stay away from her. She hasn't even noticed she's still dragging Kuresaki " One said.

The other nodded.

My Hero Academia: The Future Starts NowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora