Chapter 7

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Oliver and Kara got to her apartment really fast, thanks to Kara's super speed, and Oliver was so worried, he didn't even care about the nauseous feeling he had inside.

- Is she ok? – Oliver asked Clark as soon as he stepped inside the apartment.

- Yes... She just had a lot to drink and... It didn't end well. So I brought her here so she could have some rest... Kara, can you help her change? I couldn't...

- Sure... – Kara said as she rushed to her bedroom to help Thea.

- Thank you, Clark. I really appreciate it. – Oliver said as he nodded with his head, still looking deeply worried.

- It was the least I could do...

Kara did her best to help Thea get into a clean pj she grabbed from her drawer, and put her in her bed to have some sleep. It was almost 5am, she felt a bit tired herself, but resting could wait. She heard her phone and answered right away, going back to the living room so she wouldn't wake Thea up.

- William? Hi... What's up?

Oliver heard this name and tried to pay more attention to what Kara was saying. He couldn't help having a weird feeling about that guy. All he knew was that he didn't like him. Clark looked at Oliver, noticing the change in his posture and face.

- Are you ok?

- I'm great just... Have you met this William?

- I saw him once...

- Don't you think he's... a bit weird...? I mean, around Kara...

- Maybe he has a crush on her or something...

- And you're ok with this?

- Why wouldn't I? I mean, for sure I would want to talk to him, like any cousin would do, but... Kara can handle anything, I trust her.

- I know she can is just... – Oliver said as he sat on the couch, still looking at Kara – There's something weird about this guy... I can feel it.

- Well, we can keep an eye on him just in case... – Clark said as he sat on the other side of the couch.

- Cool. – Oliver crossed his arms, waiting for Kara to hang up.

Clark thought about Oliver's words and could be sure of one thing: he was jealous. He has been noticing some things about Oliver's behavior towards Kara and now he was sure of it. He found that really funny, but decided to keep quiet. He suddenly wondered if Oliver had the same jealousy when it came to his sister. Kara hung up and looked worried, way more than she was before the party.

- William found more things about the anti-life equation and I need to see him and get the files... I think this can truly help us to get closer to what's Lex is doing.

- I can go with you... – Oliver said – If you want...

- Sure... Clark, can you please tell everyone to meet us after lunch in the Tower? I think they all need some rest after the party, so we can be ready to whatever's coming.

- Ok... As long as you take some rest after you come back, both of you. You also need it, and you – He pointed at Oliver – are not made of steel. So please, take care of yourself too.

- Sure. And Clark... Thank you again for taking care of Thea. I know she's in good hands, but if anything happens with her while we're gone, please, call us.

- I will.

Oliver and Kara were gone and Clark just sat on the couch, thinking about everything that happened when he heard with his super hearing Thea's voice calling him, and he rushed to Kara's bedroom.

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