Untitled- Autumn's Story

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Untitled- Autumn's Story.

Please, don't take any offense, This may become graphic. Possibilities of: Vulgar language, Abuse, Attempted rape, Drugs, Sex. This is not a story for children or people who are easily offended.   


Six years old-

    We sat in the bathroom. Waiting for the party to die down. We were scared and all alone. At the age of five me and my cousin knew it was up to us to 'raise' our youngest cousin. Our fathers' brother's children.

    "I'm tired," Rose whined, as she curled in closer to Tawny- my cousin. We maybe cousins but we didn't look much alike. She looked like her father. Perfect  skin, natural copper hair, teal eyes. Eyes that turned an Ocean blue when she was happy or excited. I was jealous of her beautiful, so expressive look.

    Me, well, I looked like my own father her father's youngest brother; quite plain, to put it gently. Pale skin, Yellow hair, Blue eyes, Freckles- that I despised. Freckles that everyone commented on: "Oh look how beautiful Tawny is!" and then, "Aw! Autumn has such cute freckles." Truth was Tawny and I were nothing alike. We may have looked like our fathers', but I acted like my momma. Tawny was my other half- my complete oposite. Tawny completed me. Just as our fathers' had completed each other- in the worst ways.


    We all jumped away from the door, flinching at the consistant banging. Soon though the banging finally stopped the person obviously giving up. We were safe- but that was never a promise when our daddy's took us to parties like this.

    We made ourselves comfortable on the cold linolium floor, Cuddling to keep eachother warm. We used Towels for pillows- this wasn't the first time we'd camped out in a stranger's bathroom. We were used to it. It was a given, completely inevitable. It had become a normal thing in our lives. When we were with our daddies we weren't always sure we'd be comfortable- or safe. We ignored the sound of partiers just through the door and managed to slip into oblivion.

    When I awoke the sun was shining through the window. I woke up everyone and we opened the door to silence. Me, and Will held hands. Will was the youngest, Three years old, his sister Rose was four. Tawny took Rose's hand and we walked out of the sanctuary of the stranger's bathroom. As we walked, we were careful not to step on anything, broken alcohol bottles mostly. I found our fathers in the living room past out with their latest fling half naked beside them.

    Eventually, we found the kitchen which looked just as messy as the living room. People were passed out everywhere, but I open the fridge quietly as Tawny sat with Will and Rose in the vacent corner. I found Milk brought it over to them before walking silently to the cupboards that were to high for me to reach. I sighed and tried my best to keep silent as I pulled myself up onto the counter. When I got up I opened each one cupboard until I found what I was looking for, Bowls. I looked over to find Tawny copying me and getting down the first cereal she could grab. Rose had found the spoons. I smiled at her letting her know she'd done a good job.

    When I got back to Will his stomach growled. Me and Tawny got Rose and Will's cereal first. Then as they dug into theirs then we made our own.

    Savoring the tasteless Cheerios. They didn't taste good, but we couldn't complain. It was food, filling our empty stomachs and for that we were happy. After we were finshed we put everything away and put our dirty dishes in the sink. Then we went out to our daddies, tried shaking them awake. When that didn't work we went out to the truck.

    We sat inside my daddy's truck. Daddy seemed to love his truck. He spent so much time working on it. Giving it gas, he put so much time, money and effort into it. Tawny and I... we weren't stupid. The truck helped our Daddies and they loved it, because they needed it. So Tawny and I tried to help our daddies, so then maybe someday they'd need us.

---2 years later; 8 Years old---

    "Autumn, This is Ronni." Daddy introduced us. She was skinny- sickly so. Dark bags under her eyes, and her hand was ice cold as she took mine.

    "It's nice to finally meet you." She smiled at me. This couldn't be daddy's Ronni- He'd said she was as pretty as a princess, but after all daddy didn't watch very many disney movies so maybe he'd mixed the name 'Cinderella' up with, 'The evil step-mother'.

    As the weeks passed, Ronni wasn't too awful. She stopped by uncle Stan's and Daddy's a lot. One day though, Ronni knocked on the door when Tawny and my daddies' weren't home. We were calling for pizza and watching Power Rangers. Tawny opened the door for Ronni, I was in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes and putting them away.

    "Autumn, where's your Daddy?" She asked me.

    I shrugged, "Work."

    "And you guys are all alone?"

    I nodded again. "Well, how about I take you shopping?"

    "I can't leave Without my cousins," I answered.

    "We'll bring them too!" She smiled.

    I nodded. "Okay, I'm almost done."

    "Here, I'll finish these. You and Tawny go get Rose and Will dressed." She smiled.

    I nodded, "Okay, thank you."

    About 30 minutes later we were at Wal-Mart. I can't really recall what happened, but we were all looking at clothes, when I saw Tawny hit Ronni acrossed the face. Ronni caught Tawny's wrist and swore at her, "Listen here you little bitch, I don't care what you think or want. I'm going to be your aunt soon, so you better get used to it."

    "You're not Autumn's mommy!" Tawny screamed, "I want to go home. Take me home! I'm not a Bitch! You are!" Tawny cried, digging her nails into Ronni's wrist that held her arm.

    That's when I realized Ronni was going to make my life a Fairytale cliche. I was going to have a father who was never there and an evil-step-mother to make my life a living hell. Now looking back I realize she did one hell of a job.

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