The Guardian

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    The Guardian



    I use to believe in them... I used to believe they could hear my prayers to them. Then My mom remarried and I wasn't so sure anymore.

    Chapter 1: First Touch

    "Summer!" I heard him yell. I jumped up, my heart already pounding as I glance at the clock beside my bed. I'd woken up late. I ran to my closet and yanking on some jeans and a long sleeved Tee-shirt. I'd just pulled on my Shirt over my chest when my door swung open.

    Ron stood there looking as scary and threatening as usual. I fought with my instinct to shrink away from him. "Where the hell is breakfast?"

    "I'm sorry, Ron. I woke up late." I said quietly, and even though I knew it would piss him off I looked him in the eyes, his pitch black devil eyes. Ron smirked evilly before his hand collided with my face the force caused me to fall backwards.

    I stayed where I was on the floor holding my cheek. I heard him stepping towards me. I curled into a ball, unsure of what punishment was going to come next. Then the doorbell rang. I didn't dare move. Not until he cursed and walked away and closing my door as he went. As soon as he was down the stairs I sat up holding my already swelling cheek in my  hands. I could taste blood, but I couldn't risk going to the bathroom. I grabbed my backpack and dropped it out my window without a second thought then I lowered myself down one windowsill at a time.

    My room was on the third story and I know now why Ron had insisted I have that room when we moved in. Ron was pretty loaded, rich as hell. He had to be to take care of all of his and mom's perfect kids they were planning to have. It made me sick just thinking about it. How could my mom not see that her husband was the spawn of Satan?

    I dropped down off the ledge bending my knees on impact and scooping up my bag as I ran as hard as I could toward the street. I'd missed the bus, so now I'd have fun walking. I spit a few times into the ditch- trying to get the taste of blood out of my mouth. The coppery taste was making me sick to my stomach.

    I'd made it almost half way down the street when I heard a car coming around the bend. My heart immediately began pounded in my chest- not from running, but from fear. I shook terribly. Then the car slowed down, I didn't dare turn and look. I felt tears well up. Ron was really going to kill me this time. Why had he come after me? He never came after me.

    "Summer?" It wasn't Ron's voice. I sighed, murmuring a thank you to what ever had saved me. I turned to see our neighbor, Mr. Reynolds. He was a balding man- turning 70 in a few weeks. He was an angel. He had to be.

    "Mr. Reynolds!" I ran to his car.

    "What are you doing?" He asked looking me over, carefully.

    "Walking to school." I sighed.

    "You want a ride?" He asked.

    "Yes!" I smiled- even though it hurt to do so. I ran around to the passenger side and got into his little car. I put on my seat belt and he smiled at me before speeding up a bit.

    The ride was comfortable and quiet, cool. Unlike the swealtering heat outside. I felt myself relax until Mr. Reynolds asked, "What happened to your face, Summer?"

    I touched it worriedly. Was it that bad? He'd never commented on my bruises before. I looked at my reflection in the side mirror attached to the car. It looked terrible. What was I going to tell people at school? Would they even notice one more bruise?

    "I-uh, ran into my closet door." I lied, glancing over to look at him nervously.

    He sighed, "Summer, you really should be more careful."

    "Yeah, I know. I'll try." I made an effort not to look in the mirror again. I used to be pretty, I thought sadly. I always used to get asked out. Not anymore, but that was before my life plummeted off the side of the grand canyon.

    Mr. Reynolds dropped me off in front of the school and I quickly made my way to the office after thanking him for the ride. The office attendant asked me what happened to my face I told them I got in a fight, then laughed and said; "You  think this is bad you should see the other girl," They didn't think that was funny. I shrugged it off and took a pass to get to class. I kept my face down while I walked in. I didn't want everyone to see.

    I sat down in my seat in the back at an empty table. Before I could start copying the notes a guy sat down beside me.

    "Hey," He said quietly. I didn't look up, people didn't talk to me. Then he touched my arm and I looked up. "You okay?" He was boy I'd never seen before- but seemed so familiar I could almost remember him from some long lost memory.

    I nodded, "Yeah, I uh-"

    He shook his head.  "Don't lie. It's a sin." He said it seriously, but he smiled crookedly. I turned back to copy my notes when the Teacher took them off the overhead. I sighed, guess I didn't need them.

    "Here," He pushed a pad of paper to me. Neat beautiful calligraphy covered the page, "Biology notes."

    "Thank you." I whispered my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and looked back and forth between his paper and my own. I finished but not before the teacher gave us homework. I looked at the work sheet and sighed again. The paper didn't make any since. It looked like Chinese. Stupid Biology!

    "It's easier then it looks, promise." the boy said, "He leaned over and began explaining the first problem. I paid close attention, staring at my paper and his hands pointing to certain parts of the problem. But then the bell rang. 

    He walked past me towards the door, disappointment flooded through me. I goatherd my books and stood, but he was standing there at the end of the table. Waiting for me?

I wasn't sure so instead of embaressing myself I walked by him and he followed. Once we got out the door of the class room he got in front of me taking my book from me- I expected him to start teasing like everyone else, but instead he sat our books and binders down against the brick wall. He lifted his hand to my face. I stopped breathing and flinched away from his touch.

    "You're bleeding." He whispered.

    "Sorry." he laughed, but ran his index finger along the cut. It stopped throbbing almost immediately.

    "You shouldn't be sorry. The dick who did this to you should be." My breath got stuck in my throat. Then the two minute bell rang. "Where you going now? We can't have you being late." He added before I could stutter out a lie.

    "English, with Thompson." I blurted, narrowing my eyes, why had I told him that?

    "Room, 14?" He asked, I nodded. "Good we have another class together." He smiled at me, "Come on, We still need to get to your locker and get your books." 

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