The ... Mate(The Mate Series: Novel 5)

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This is obviously going to be posted after "The Scarred Mate" I don't have a title for this story yet, but it will be "The ... Mate (The Mate Series: Novel 5)". I hope you like the Sneak Peeks of the upcoming novels.

    I froze as I saw a girl fall on her ass as she tried to stand up on her snowboard. I laughed, but turned toward her on my own snow board. "Hey, you need some help."

    The girl looked up at me. "Oh, um, yeah," She was blushing. I held my hands out for her. I pulled her up easily, "Thanks."  That's when I caught her scent. Her bronze hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her bangs fell in her emerald green eyes. I must have been staring because she looked down at her feet then glanced back at me from beneath her thick eyelashes. "Uhm,"

    "Oh, yeah," I fought to think of what she'd said, "Your welcome."

    "Holly- Oh! Well, hello." A blond girl had skied up behind her, followed by a brunette.

    "Hi," I quickly made a note of her name: Holly.

    "Wow, Holly, Hook, line and sinker." The brunette smirked not being shy about her checking me out.

    "He was just helping me up. Since you guys ditched me."

    "Sorry, but come on, they were so cute! He asked for my number." Holly rolled her eyes at the brunette.

    "So did you give him your number yet?" The blond asked looking at me expectedly. For the first time in my life, I had no idea what to say to these women. I was at a complete loos of words.

    "Amber," Holly scorned. "I'm sorry..."

    "You haven't even told her your name yet? Wow, your slow!" The brunette interrupted.

    "Kate," Holly growled, "Go get me some thing to eat, Amber, you go with her." Both girls held their hands up and backed away as if Holly was going to pounce on them. once Kate and Amber were out of hearing distance, Holly turned back to me, "I'm really sorry about that. We've just been friends since... forever. Like first day of kindergarten. So they're kind of..."

    "Protective," I put in, "I know. I understand, believe me."

    "Oh." She reached forward and touched my arm, I wished desperately that I wasn't wearing so many clothes, so that I could feel her skin against mine.

    "Yeah, well," I shrugged. "I'm Stanton, by the way." My hand caught the hand she had laid on my arm. "Holly," She blurted out, I chuckled.

    "Hey, Stant- Oh," Callie suddenly appeared from behind me. "Do you know where Hunter went?" She smiled knowingly at me, no doubt catching the scent of the heat between Holly and I.

    "Um, he's right- here" I glared as Hunter put an arm around my shoulder as the other slipped around Callie's waist.

    "Hi, I'm Callie Leonhardt and this is my boyfriend, Hunter." Callie offered her hand to Holly.

    Holly shook Callie's Hand, "Holly Reece," She offered, her eyes lighting up. "I know you... from somewhere, right?" She asked Callie.

    "Yeah, I'm a reporter." Callie smiled, Holly snapped her fingers at her temple.

    "Yeah, You, you're a shifter. You all are aren't you..." She said as she put it all together.

    "Yes, but we're on Vacation. You know trying to blend in with you humans." Hunter laughed, while kissing Callie's cheek. Then Hunter looked at me, "We were going to go for a run. You coming."

    "Ah, how about I catch up with you?"

    "Have fun," Callie smirked, "It was nice to meet you, Holly. I hope we get to hang out soon."

    "Yeah, I'd love that." Holly murmured, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, I almost groaned.

    "Have fun, Stant. Oh and when you find the boys tell them to contact me. Later." Hunter said giving me a look. I narrowed my eyes. Just as Hunter and Callie jumped on the ski lift, I sighed and felt my tense posture relax then I heard them.

    "Hey, Stant!"

    "Shit," I growled, Holly laughed.

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