The Scarred Mate (The Mate Series Novel 4)

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Okay So obvioulsly this is going to be posted after I'm finished with "The Unwanted Mate" This is the Next novel in TAM Series, This is going to be Hunter's Story, so here is your Sneak Peek of:"The Scarred Mate"!

Chapter 1: Pride


    I talked with Ian and some other males. "Have you talked to Nikole, lately?" I questioned, worrying for my baby sister.

    Just as Ian was about to answer I heard a squeal. Looking out to the lake I saw two girls playing in waist deep water. The one girl had on a real bathing suit while the other was wearing a bra and underwear- they didn't match which I found an awkward way.

    "Who is that?" I asked jerking my chin towards the lake.

    Ian, my second-in-command, Beta, answered, "Uhm, the one on the left-" He was indicating the girl wearing the bathing suit,"is Allison. I'm not sure, but I think the one with her is her sister... Callie, I think."

    "Callie," I tried the name out on my tongue. "I haven't seen her around."

    "She was one of the Lionesses, we rescued at the lab. She went to live with her mother away from the Pride, but her mother died a few months ago. She's been living with her father now. She keeps to herself most of the time, from what I hear."

    "Hm," I sighed watching the young females play, splashing and tackling one another. I could easily tell which of the two were older and younger. Allison, was being far more gentle while Callie fought-playfully- to prove herself.

    "Who is her father?" I questioned, not taking my eyes from the soaking wet girls.

    "Callan Leonhardt."

    "I hear he's a bastard." I said nonchallent-ly.

    The group laughed but another male, Landon, replied, "Yeah, he is. He believes a beating is the only way to keep a kid in line. Those are my sisters', Pride Leader." Landon answered, using the pride leading name that had been handed down to me after my father's death.

    "Beating?" I pushed back the growl.

    "Yes, sir. That's why my sister  was living with my mother. She's the runt. He doesn't think she's strong enough to live. But he's wrong. And one day she'll rub it in his face." Landon smiled dotting on his sister.

    I merely nodded. I was begining to think rather highly of this young male. I looked to  Stanton, and saw he was holding back a laugh- which I believe was directed at me. I glared, and turned to Landon. "You and your siblings are coming to the hunt tonight, yes?"

    "Uh, I believe so."

    "Make sure you do." Stanton smiled. "It's a good oppertunity to introduce them to the Pride as adults."

    "Callie is only 17,"

    "And her mate could already be waiting on her." Stanton argued, "We don't have nearly enough of our kind. It may seem like there are a lot of us, but in truth we are low in numbers. Much lower then any other shifter breeds. And in a Pride, numbers are strength." Stanton said stating out loud what we all knew. The leo gene was dying out. We as Leo's were all too teritorial. And it didn't help that we were promiscuous, and we mixed breeds more freely then other shifters.  Ian was nodding at what stanton was saying, but then he looked to me.

    "Speaking of mates. I need to take off."

    "Sure, I'll see you later." I said to Ian as he took off.

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