Everyone Forgot Me

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Seems like everyone forgot me again. No problem I am used to it. This loneliness......Yeah. She is my life partner, isn't she. I think that's what I have in my fate. Darkness? Yeah definitely.

Why do I care for people so much? Wish I could remain chilled out and casual like others . Everyone seems so content . At times, I wish If I could straight away tell people how much they hurt me. I know it's my fault. I have such kinda personality that only deserves hate. I shouldn't be surprised. Who cares? I wish I was heartless. I have stopped talking to new people since past 2 or 3 months. I only talk to people who I think are important to me and who care for me. I am getting stressed out. I know, it hurts.....to isolate myself from others. I want to talk, I also want a company  but I think I am unworthy for it.  I don't deserve anything.

I needed a friend, a constant, Who prioritises me. That's what I wished for. I don't why I care for everyone, literally everyone around me. But it's so bad......when no one notices my efforts.
I hate my emotions.
I will do everything I can, So that I never feel like making friends again.

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