6: New Faces.

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 ~~Eliana's POV~~

I sat up in bed sweating, and cold. 

It felt so real. The coldness and the rush.

I shook my head standing up and walking to where Sam's crib was, where I found him sleeping soundly.

 I opened the door and snuck down the hall, reaching the kitchen I looked around and found the coast was clear.

 I then walked over to the fridge and opened it, taking out eggs and bread; I was going to repay  Raf's family for taking me in. The only way I knew how.


I heard the sound of footsteps as Raf appeared in the doorway rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Eliana, what are you doing up so early?" he asked.

 "I couldn't sleep so I decided to make breakfast as a thank you." He seemed to perk up at that as he looked around.

 "What's that smell?" asked Raf's mother as she walked into the kitchen with a smile.

 "Elaina made breakfast," said Raf happily.

 "oh, sweety, you didn't have to," she said looking at me as I set the table.

 "no, I wanted to, as a thank you, from both me and Sam," I said, setting the french toast on the plates.

 They sat down along with the rest of his family, who enjoyed the meal.

 ~~Time Skip, cuz I'm lazy~~

Raf's older brother appeared out of nowhere as we exited the house, his yellow car parked on the curb.

 I held Sam in my arms safely as I walked next to the boys.

 "Where did you go last night, B?" I asked, smiling up at him. The young man shrugged signing something to Raf who nodded and said.

"He got a call to work the night shift at his workplace," said Raf as B nodded opening the driver's door and starting the engine without even turning the key.

 I just shook that out of my head as we drove down the road, the clouds still dark and gloomy from the night before.

 "How old are you?" asked Raf.

"Why, do you want to know?" I asked, curious as to why he'd ask such a question. 

"Well, you look super young, and Sam's only about a few weeks old. right?" he asked watching me, I could tell B was watching me through the review mirror curious as well.

 "Well, I'm eighteen, and I only had Sam a few months ago," I said looking out the window to avoid the boys' shocked expression.

 "So you had him when you were only seventeen?" the young boy asked.

 "Yep," I replied wistfully.

The young boy looked up front catching his brother's gaze.

I didn't mind the fact that they knew I was so young, they seemed trustworthy, right?

The sound of a radio turning on buzzed to life as I looked up front as B put a finger up to his ear, his mouth moving without sound.

:{Bumblebee, the team may require help, drop Raf off at the next exit and I'll bridge him to base.}: said a males voice through the speakers.

 I looked at Raf who smiled before looking up at "Bumblebee" to find he was gone and we were driving without a driver!

 My anxiety kicked in as I held Sam closer to me.

 The car buzzed with a mix of beeps and whirls that I couldn't understand.

"Bee, says that you don't have to worry." but my mind was already shutting down in fear, the sound of an airplane engine didn't help my cause any better as it was the same one from school.

 I started mumbling under my breath I think, but then the car started to move in rapid motions as I held Sam close, just like that I felt a Prickling feeling like my entire body fell asleep. 

I acted with a mother-like instinct wrapping my other arm over Raf as the car spun out of control.

 As the car slowed I looked down at Sam and sighed with relief that he was okay, but then I felt Raf go limp to my right and I freaked unfastening and checking his pulse.

 He was still alive. Thankfully.

I was lucky I had put Sam in a sling over my chest as I moved about the back seat unfastening Raf and laying him down taking in his ill-looking figure.

 The car beeped, but I didn't understand him until his entire frame tensed as we speed down the road.

  We pulled to a stop where he opened his door letting me out. But before I could grab Raf, The car transformed into a robot who held Raf much like how I was holding Sam now, and was; led towards more robots who were fighting.

 I heard gasps as a female rushed towards us, "Raf," she called, "He's breathing. Barely." at those words my heart stopped and I had to remember I was carrying Sam in order to not fall.

 "Ratchet, open a ground bridge." 

A swirling vortex opened when I realized there was another robot on the field a meaner looking one.

"Looks like I swatted a bee and swished a bug, "he smirked as Bee, tried to attack him with blasters only to be held back by a green bulky one.

 I looked around and sighed when the female was holding Raf.

 "Arcee, attend to Raf," said a strong voice from a blue and red bot. "And Bumblebee." the yellow and black bot sighed as he turned and walked through the ground bridge with Arcee's hand on his back.

 I stuck through the ground bridge holding Sam tight as I found myself in a large room, and heard many gasps and "Raf's" go around.

 I quickly snuck into the shadows watching the scene unfold.

 A white and orange bot was messing around with tools grumbling about something before throwing them, I almost got hit by one but got away in time.

A boy I knew from school, Jack walked over to him and said something that I couldn't hear because I had to keep Sam from crying as he had woke up from narrowly getting hit with unidentified flying tools.

 Bouncing him up and down in my arms I noticed the ground bridge had opened again and a woman drove through rushing towards Raf.

 I sat on the floor listening to the conversation when someone shouted my name, "Elaina, what are you doing here? Is that a  baby?"

Sorry for the short chapter. I have to get to bed. 


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