7: New Appearance, Same Girl.

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 ~~No one's POV~~

As Eclipse began to sink to the bottom of the sea, Earthquake's spark stopped, it was like she was losing another sparkling all over again.

 Earthquake shook out her shoulder-wings and ran towards the thrashing waves, taking in a vent and diving her servos in front of her.

 She felt the rush of cold snow water as she scanned the waters for the sparkling she had called her own.

 Earthquake swam back up towards the surface taking a vent and thrashing the cold saltwater under her panic taking hold of her spark.

 She couldn't find Eclipse.

But she heard a boat engine and found that the Burns' were driving around looking for her, along with Heatwave who was in his vehicle mode with Bladze in the air with Dani.

 Earthquake took a deep vent and dived under, using her shoulder-wings to propel her forward.

~~Nightfall. Earthquake's POV~~

 After swimming in the freezing cold waters all afternoon with no sign of Eclipse, Earthquake locked herself in her berthroom she was using.

 Thoughts swimming around her processor. "Vhat did I do vrong?" she asked herself coolant running from her optics.

 "Nothing, you never meant for her to jump, you just wanted her safe." said a sad feminine voice from the shadows.

Earthquake acted fast, transforming into her wolf form her wings flared up as she let out a low long growl.

 "Someone once told me, 'Never let the anger take control. Not even for a minute.'" she said, "A very wise woman she was." 

 Earthquake racked her processor around the voice, it was familiar but she couldn't place where. 

"Who are you?" asked Earthquake. 

"Envy," said the voice after a minute, sad but strong.

"Show yourself!" hissed Earthquake.

A human girl walked out of the shadows, her dark black hair running down her back in a waved shadow covering her unnaturally pale skin, her eyes a dark blue.

A human girl walked out of the shadows, her dark black hair running down her back in a waved shadow covering her unnaturally pale skin, her eyes a dark blue

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She had a faint smile but it was hidden by her hair as she looked to the ground in a respectful bow.

Earthquake was so confused she backed into the wall hitting the alarm.

 "Please, do not fear me," she said calmly.

Earthquake still in her wolf form growled as she flicked her tail.

Heatwave ran in and gasped when he saw the ghost-like figure. Bladze did the same, "Ghost!" he shrieked running back down the hall.

 Envy made little attempt to hide her amusement as she walked out the door into the man room to find Bladze hiding behind some crates talking in a rushed voice to Chase who paid no mind to her.

"Chase, who is she?" asked Cody as he slid down the pole waving to the girl.

Chase turned confused and saw the sickly girl as she sat down cross-legged as she twirled a strand of hair in her hand.

 "Who are you?" asked Chase, his voice slipping from a robotic tone.

 Envy looked up and made a small faint smile, "Envy, and I already know you're alien." she said.

Chase's frame relaxed slightly as he took in her form, "Are you ill?" he asked taking note of the lack of color on her. 

 Envy shook her head, "If I was I'd never tell you." she said standing up and jumping onto the crates looking down at Bladze who watched her wirily, "Boo," she said causing the poor mech to fall backward in surprise of her actions.

Envy turned to the sound of bickering as the elevator door opened and a group of humans walked out.

"Who's the girl?" asked Kade as he watched Envy sit back down her net stockings legs hanging over the edge with her black heels making a soft tap as she kicked the crate lightly.

 The Burns' earlier conversation was forgotten as the young girl in about thirteen smiled down at them.

~~Eclipse's POV. Hours Before.~~

I was drifting in the waves as they threw me under, over and over again.

My helm hurt but I didn't submit to the pain.

I heard wing beats and tried to block them out but they landed with a splash next to me in the deep waters.

Someone lifted my helm and I looked up to see Shadow's worried face as she watched my optics turn towards Frostblade who was wrapping her wings around me trying to warm me up.

 I tried to pull away but Shadow held me still. "You're going to kill yourself," she stated.

"Maybe I want to," replied Eclipse dryly.

 FrostBlade shook her head looking at Shadow who nodded, they flew up into the air as a white light consumed Eclipse and was gone.

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