10: Dazed.

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~~Elaina's POV~~

I opened my eyes, as I looked around the dark damp room, a few rays of the morning sun shone through the tiny cracks in the walls.

 I sighed, my head throbbing from last night.

I stood my legs shaking as I walked to the small fogged window, peering out at the streets, as people and cars rushed by.

 "You shouldn't be up." said a voice from behind.

I froze my breath catching in my lungs as I remembered the voice.

"You're RedAlert, correct?" I asked turning slowly to look at the red-haired man.

He smiled sweetly as he walked from the shadows, his white and red clothing reflecting the little sunlight in the room.

He smiled sweetly as he walked from the shadows, his white and red clothing reflecting the little sunlight in the room

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{A/N: credit to the original artist.}

  I smiled back as I slide down the wall into a sitting position, my legs not letting me stand any longer.

 "How'd you get past the Monsters?" I asked with a dry laugh, which then turned into a coughing fit.

RedAlert rushed over kneeling next to me as I sputtered for my words, "I'm fine," I said as he rubbed my back.

 I smiled as I flinched slightly, looking down at my bare arm I found odd markings, almost metallic looking in the shape of some sort of dragon wolf face.

 I hide my arm behind my back so RedAlert wouldn't see.

"Who are "The Monsters"?" he asked looking at me his blue eyes twinkling with both worry and amusement. 

 "The people who are supposed to take care of me," she said sweetly.

 "OH, I don't know guess they didn't see me,"  he said with a smirk.

 I shook my head looking around, " We need to get out of here." I said realizing if I was here then that meant normal torture time.

 RedAlert nodded standing up and walking around the basement. When he came back from the shadowed abyss holding a small metal bar.

 "You don't mind if I make our own exit, right?" he said tapping the crowbar in the palm of his hand with a smile.

"Go right ahead," I said my mind going a bit in a slow-motion way as time seemed to slow down as RedAlert worked on our exit from the prison of a house.

I heard footsteps from upstairs and my eyes widened, "RedAlert," I whispered.

He looked up at me, when I pointed up making my two fingers walk on my palm before dropping my other into my lap, he seemed to get what I was putting down and retreated into the shadows.

  The door of the basement opened, spreading a dim yellow light down on me as the steps creaked.

 " Ah, Elaina, you're awake." the voice seethed.

 I kept my eyes shut tight not allowing her to read them of my fear. I was not weak, I just played that part to protect what's mine, even if that means through the pain.

  A dry laugh cracked the air like a whip as I heard monsters heels tap the paved ground.

 "Well, are we playing brave today?" she mocked.

I held back my flinch and waited for the pain as I kept my eyes shut tight.

~~RedAlert's POV~~

I watched in horror as the crazed woman's red eyes landed on the crowbar in the corner.

Her pale skin and grey hair glistened demonically in the yellow light that flowed down the stairs.

Wait, The door is open. I could get Elaina out of her and away from these monsters as she put.

I rushed forward as the monster brought the crowbar down on Elaina with a harsh snap in the side.

 She didn't even flinch, scream. Not a single tear fell.

I jumped at the woman as she went to drop the next blow, grabbing the crowbar with one servo, my blue optics staring into her red ones.

 " Ah, the Autobot scum joined the party,"  she said catching me off guard as she kicked my peds out from under me, swinging the crowbar at me, which I dodged by rolling away.

 "Shatter, welcome back from the dead," I said harshly as she threw what looked like a brick at my helm.

 I turned around jumping over the flying object before grabbing a wrench and chucked it at Shatter.

 She shrieked as it hit her in the head, she glared at me as I picked Elaina up and ran for the stairs, climbing them two at a time I reached the top as Shatter worked her way up a dark look in her optics.

 I slammed the door shut locking it and running outside to my red and white Lamborghini, seating Elaina in the back seat before deactivating my holo form and driving down the road towards the one place I knew where to go.

 The signal I'd been tracking for days; The Autobots base.

A/N: Sorry for the sad short chapter, I will try and make the next one longer but no promises.

Bet you didn't see this one coming did you.

I'm crazy. You all can say.

XOXO The Silent Outcast, Eclipse Prime.

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