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Hey this is my first story so please don't judge. Disclaimer: these are not my pictures, there is smut, sensitive topic's...leave suggestions because I don't even have a full chapter lmao. Enjoy!


I was walking to school when I saw Hinata running trying to beat me there. "ohh no you don't". I mumbled smirking chasing after him in a rush. I had won ofc Hinata lost. "Kageyama" I heard Hinata say "so what's my punishment"  Hinata said walking towards me with a huge smirk on his face. "u-uh" I was blushing and didn't know what to say, I wasn't thinking and I just blurted out "you'll see!" I was so embarrassed with myself. You can tell Hinata was shocked since all the other times this had happen I would just go in the school leaving him dumb founded. I rushed in school to my locker hitting my head on the locker door(WTF IS WRONG WITH ME! IM SUCH A BAKA!) yelling at myself in my head. I grabbed what I needed and rushed to class not wanting to see Hinata because of the embarrassment. I would freeze. I sat in my seat, I saw Hinata out of the corner of my eyes staring at me I blushed and put my head down I heard Hinata walk to his seat which was two seats away from mine...


I hadn't realized how long I had been staring at Kageyama since I was still in shock of what he said earlier, until he put his head down, I snapped out of my daydream and walked to my seat I put my head down, I heard snoring two seats over realizing he had fell asleep I went to tap his shoulder to wake him up before the teacher saw and got him in trouble. I leaned over and started tapping his shoulder "Kageyama" I said in a whisper but that didn't help since he was still in deep sleep quietly snoring away. "Kageyama" I said a little louder shaking him awake "what babe" kageyama whispered, I was in shock and confused by this my face with cherry red. "Uh i-it's H-Hinata" I said quietly it didn't take me long to realize he was sleep talking. he started to rise his head up so I turned back around facing the teacher. I started thinking of why Kageyama said babe realizing that Kageyama was going back to sleep I turned to him "Kageyama stay awake please you'll get in trouble"."Ok babe" kageyama saying the word babe made my heart skip a beat and a shiver go up my spine. What am I feeling!?

hey guys hope you enjoyed my first every chapter. LOL! Sorry it's so short, Give me suggestions for the next chapter ;)
(464 words🐥)

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