Jonah Marais

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{warnings; loads of fluff, emotions, wedding things, happy tears and just a lot of adorableness} 

{description; you {Kaeleigh} and Jonah's wedding day, and pretty much follows the lyrics of Shane Filan/Westlife's song, Beautiful in White. Goes between flashbacks and the wedding day and, if you get quite emotional from weddings, have a box of tissues with you just in case, especially considering there is a little surprise in there xx} 

{an; like mentioned above, this is based on the song Beautiful In White yet, it may not or may be the whole song. I am also considering doing it for the other boys as well and after the pregnancy series has finished, I'll be redoing my wedding series and, these imagines will be apart of it if that makes sense and, also, before I forget, the flashbacks in this imagine will be written in italics whilst the lyrics of the song is in bold italics} 

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Not sure if you know this, but when we first met, I got so nervous I couldn't speak

It has been known since the start of you and Jonah's relationship that he was so nervous the day he met you that, not one single world was able to leave his usual chatty mouth. That was until Corbyn had left the two of you alone that is. 

"...C'mon J, just talk to her! She's also looking at you, don't be scared dude! What bad could she do to you? I doubt she could even hurt a fly! Just go and talk to her!" Corbyn whined, pushing his older friend over to the pretty girl as the boys of WDW had gone to the LA Beach for a break in-between songwriting sessions when suddenly, Jonah had caught eyes with a very pretty, blonde, blue-eyed girl who was also catching eyes for him, sending him a sweet smile and a cheeky wink 

"Corbyn, no, stop!" Jonah whined, trying to stop Corbyn from pushing him over to the girl as he was so nervous to talk to her, however, Corbyn wasn't having any of this bullshit that Jonah was giving him, grabbed his hand and literally dragged him over to the girl, taking it upon his own self to introduce Jonah to the girl 

"No, this is it, Jonah! I am not letting this good opportunity of a fantastic, beautiful, ADORABLE relationship be ruined all because of you being terrified to talk to this beautiful girl!" Corbyn said, stamping his foot down, grabbing Jonah's hand and dragging him over to the girl who was patiently waiting almost for this interaction 

Jonah tried to internalise his fear so badly but, once he and the girl connected eyes, he couldn't hide it, he wasn't scared because he thought she was violent, but because she was so beautiful and that she was too good for him. 

"Hi, boys, I thought I heard you singing earlier. What's brought you down to the beach?" The girl starts the conversation with a sweet smile, her hair in soft, beachy curls as she wears a two-piece bikini, a top-knotted white shirt covering the lavender-coloured bikini, which was still seen as the shirt was white and it was drenched in water 

"Hi, we decided to take a break as we had been in the studio for a few hours now and, I'm Corbyn, this is my best friend Jonah, he really likes you, he thinks you are absolutely stunning but, he just couldn't find it within him to talk to you so, I thought I'd just give him a helping hand if that's okay," Corbyn smiled as the girl smiled, a small giggle leaving her lips, Jonah internally face-palms and swears like a sailor at Corbyn for doing this even though, he knew he'd be the one thanking Corbyn for this interaction on the day of their wedding in a few years time most probably

"It's okay Corbyn, Jonah, just so you know, if my friends were here with me, they would have done the same thing. I'm Kaeleigh by the way before I forget to mention it *giggles* and I'm also taking a break from songwriting, it takes forever to come up with a good idea for me so, I decided I'd come down here to see if I could find some inspiration and, I think I may have found it," Kaeleigh bit her lip, trying to hide her fear but, came to find it easier knowing that Jonah was just as scared as she was 

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