Title your Story Part

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" Tyler slow down! " I scolded my brother as he sped off to school. " Why should I, miss prissy-pants " He replied, purposfully swirving. I gulped down my fear and reached for my backpack that was in the backseat. "Seriously?! How many times are you going to organize that thing?" Tyler asked me as I was shuffeling some binders around. " Look It's our first day here, and we're already behind... I just want things to go smoothly. Keep your eyes on the road. " I answered, tucking some hair behind my ear. Soon we were at our new school. My brother dropped me off and told me to wait on the steps for him to park. Nodding, I got out and did as directed. Tyler was already in a bad mood... Things have been pretty hard lately. I just hope his 'bad boy' attitude wears off soon. I got my notebook out and began writing my newest song. I heard some tires squeal, so I looked up fast. Five boys in one car, that's what I saw. The driver got out as the three in the back were, all laughing. The driver had gorgeous black hair, and tattoes! The brown haired one with the cig in his hand shouted out to the other brown haired boy, calling him Liam. Liam called out " Louis, hit me up with a cig, aye man?" I felt akward, watching all of their actions, but everyone else was too. They didn't seem to notice how they were the center of attention. The driver called the blonde one Niall, which whom called back Zayn. That's four names I know... But all of them seem to be in Tyler's class. Seniors. I'm only a junior. I looked to see a boy sitting in the passenger side, his feet out on the ground. A gasp escaped as his gorgeous green eyes met my light blue ones. I blushed and looked away. When my eyes returned, they were all staring at me. "Alex! " My name caught my attention, my face snapping up to see Tyler standing over me. He grabbed my arm and I struggled to stand up with his strong grip. "S-sorry" I mumbled, and he rolled his eyes. "Just... C'mon" By the time I put my notebook away, Tyler was far away. I hurried to catch up with him, only once glancing back to see that the last boy wrap his arms around a girl with red hair.

"Miss. Tenner?" I looked up from my songbook to see my english teacher staring back at me. Several students giggled as I asked 'what'. Before she could reply, the same boy from before came bursting in. "Ahh Mr.Styles. Glad you could join us. Please, take a seat next to Alexandria. " I wanted to correct her, tell her to call me Alex, but I didn't think this was the best time. He strolled over to the seat to the right of me, and paused, his tongue playing with his lip ring. "Mr. Styles, please, sit down." He studied my face for a moment, ignoring the teacher's directions, then sat down. With his distraction, she moved on, forgetting me. I let a sigh of relief out, and a snort came from his seat. I looked at him curiously, then shook off my curiosity and focused on my work. When the bell rang, he bolted out of class. Strange.

Weird bits of conversations filled my ears as I walked in the lunch room. Thankfully I had found some friends; Jessica and Eric Summers, Katie Grand, and Jason Fieldings. All great people! Jess is into art, Eric loves photography, Katie is into Jason, and Jason loves sports. Simple. We chatted about different topics and I began to feel closest to Eric. He seemed to understand me, and by the end of lunch, we were laughing so hard, Jason had milk fly out of his nose. Just as the bell rang, Eric and I were looking around the lunchroom to find more cool people. My eyes landed on my brother, who was talking to those five boys. The one who is in my english class wasen't talking, but the other four were angry. Zayn shouting at him. Eric noticed my staring and simply shook his head. " That dude is going to get punched. " He stated. My eyes grew wide as I exclaimed " That dude is my brother! " I shot out of my seat and began to hurry over to them. Eric, following me. " Alex wait! It's not a good idea to- " I didn't hear his sentence after I saw someone's fist connect to Tyler's jaw. I screamed just as the bell rang, and I raced over to Tyler. He had his arm raised towards the boy in my english class, and was about to his him. I sneaked inbetween them and grabbed Tyler's arm. His eyes were flaming and I could feel his hot breath as he steemed. " Ty... Come on... It's our first day! " He ignored me, and tried to move me but I stayed in place. He got angry and shoved me away. I came right back over and he got amgrier. As he shoved me down on the floor, I shouted " Think about mom! " He froze, his arm in the air. He swore and walked away. All of us watched as he flipped over a table and ran out. I turned back to Eric and the five boys. Eric helped me up and I sighed. " I'm so sorry about that. " Zayn mumbled. I turned back to them again and walked over to that boy. He wasen't looking at me, so I said " Why did you do that? " He didn't reply. Niall coughed and said " I wouldn't talk to him. " I rolled my eyes, anger built inside me. I slapped his cheek, and everyone gasped. " Don't ever touch my brother again! " I snapped. He stood up fast, towering over me. A small squeak left my lips, and I backed into a table. He took a few strides towards me, his eyes full of mystery. Suddenly everyone was too close, and images of memorys filled my mind. I couldn't breathe, and everything was going too fast. I shouldn't have slapped him. "I'm sorry" I squeaked, feeling my legs go. The last thing I saw was the boy catching me swiftly. Everything went black.

I was at my locker, sighing as I attempted to open it for the third time. Footsteps came and stopped behind me. It had to be Tyler. "I headd you had a blackout today." He said. I ignored him as I, once again, struggled with my code. "Move." he barked as he shoved me aside. He spun the combo in and opened it, and I watched as he got everything ready for me to go, then held up my bag. I crossed my arms and stared at his bruise, forming where he got punched. He groaned and slammed my locker shut, walking away and carrying my bag with him. I huffed and chased after him. He threw my bag in the back of his car and headed towards the drivers side. " I WILL leave without you Alex! " He warned. I sighed and got in, knowing he would. He sped off to home, knowing that I wouldn't speak to him. As we got in the driveway, and he opened his door to get out, I grabbed at his arm. He paused, letting me speak. " Please... Don't hurt mom's feelings anymore. New place, new start. " He snatched his arm away and stomped into the house. I sighed AGAIN, and gathered my things, heading inside. Later that night, as I was getting ready to fall asleep, I heard Tyler leave. I was worried, so I got up to see his car driving off. I began to crawl back into bed, but hearing my mum's sobs, I stopped cold. I could hear her constant crys of anger and pain, and I closed my eyes. Here it comes again. I hopped in bed just as another blackout occured.

Strong arms shook me, and I screamed. I woke up in a panic, and those same strong arms wrapped around me as my tears flooded out. "Shh Alex it's me. It's Tyler. Time to get ready for school." He gently said, rocking me back and forth. I gulped and struggled out of his hold. " I know... Sorry.. Nightmare. " I mumbled, getting ready. He sighed and watched as I picked out my clothes. " I'm sorry Alex. " I shot him a dirty look. " You left last night. " I told him, as if he didn't know. He looked down, not responding. More tears came, so I hurried off to take my shower. I didn't want him to see me weak.

Everything went by fine for weeks. No drama, no anything. After Tyler woke me up that morning, we didn't speak to each other. I gladly took the bus and ignored the world. Zayn and those guys ignored me, and my brother began toget along with them. It suprised me, but I didn't dare ask how or why. I learned to just go with it. Until that one friday night....
I was sitting by the island, doing homework, when Tyler came in happy. He rouffled my hair and gave my mom a nod. My convo with my mom stopped, as we both became interested in his happiness. " I'm having a party... Because I met someone. " He said. The face of my mom was priceless, it was like I could feel her heart heal. " Okay. When dear? " My mom asked, trying to hide her excitment. " Tomorow night. Mom, could you and Alex go to Beth's for the night? It might get crazy. " My jaw dropped. Beth was my mom's co-worker. I hated Beth. And Tyler knew that. " No! I'm old enough to decide I want to stay here. " Tyler groaned as I began to explain that I was only one year younger than him. I was 17, he was 18. Big deal. " FINE! Just don't screw things up! " He cut me off. I smiled and began back to my homework. "Nerd!" He yelled as he left. I quickly responded, saying "bi-polar asshole!" My curseword made my mom cringe, and she spoke up. " You've been changing now that we've moved here... Be careful Alex, baby. " She left me to ponder her words, and I began to wonder if changing locations really does change you.


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