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Arjun and zoya took Aditya to the hospital. He was immediately taken for the treatment as he has lost much blood. Zoya was sincerely worried for him and was senting silent prayers to her Allah.

After some time the doctor came and saif them that his condition is not critical.. He will soon be fine in no time..he needs rest and asks them to take care of him. saying this the  doctor left . both arjun and Zoya went inside to see Aditya. He was under sedation. Arjun said that he will inform his parents and went out leaving Zoya along with Aditya . she came near him and sat on his bed and took his hand in her and kissed on his palm

Zoya: Aditya.... Open your eyes and see me... Im ur zoya... U will be fine in no time... Aditya ..I cant see you like this... Get up and become that Aditya who is smart. Not like this.  ..
Saying this zoya leaned towards him and placed a soft kiss on his forehead and wiped her tears away..
She was not sure about her feelings. She asked herself why did she kiss him? Why does his condition affect her so much?
Why is his thoughts unsettling her

Zoya sat there simply looking at Aditya .
Arjun came after sometime and said that his parents will come now. Zoya excused herself and went to her home.

Aditya opened his eyes and saw his parents and Arjun beside him. His eyes searched for her.

Anjana: beta ..how are u feeling now?

Aditya: don't worry mom..its just a small cut and nothing.

Harshawardan : we can go home now as he is alright. Isn't it Adi?

Aditya: yes.

After filling the formalities they left the hospital and went to their home.

Aditya was in his room lying on his bed. Arjun came to him and said

Arjun : what happened bhai

Aditya: nothing

Arjun: I know you are thinking about whom

Aditya: whom?

Arjun : Bhaabhi

Aditya: zoya?

Arjun: yeah. .. She is my babhi.

Aditya: even I hope... But why are u confirmed about it?

Arjun: bhai.. U should have seen her she was so frightened for you.. She kept on calling you when you were unconscious.
She cried a lot too..

Aditya: really? Or r u making fun of me.

Arjun: no bhai .. I swear. She cares for you really.

Aditya was happy after hearing Arjun. He wished to see Zoya soon. But he cant go to college for two days as his mom wont allow because of his injury.

Aditya sat there thinking about zoya.
Zoya's condition was no less. She too wished to see Aditya.

Zoya took her phone to call Aditya at the same time Aditya too took his phone... She was hesitant to call first but on the other side Aditya was too excited to phone her...

Zoya's phone rang it showed Aditya's name she beemed in happiness on seeing it.

Aditya: hello

Zoya: hello

Aditya: zoya

Zoya: Aditya

Aditya : thank u

Zoya: why

Aditya: u saved me.

Zoya was silent..

Aditya : why are you not saying anything?

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